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Everything posted by TKer15

  1. Bringing back the "classic" infection mode that made halo 3 custom games so fun would be a smart and respectable move for 343 (assuming they do it soon). I remember getting Halo 3 and playing very competitively for about a month. Then I got bored of matchmaking and became a forge/custom games player when the map packs came out. I like creating modes like predator and fat kid. If 343 is stuck on flood mode for matchmaking and the flood having classes to choose from (since apparently they are a very intelligent species that have armor abilities), they can keep that mode but at least bring back the old infection game type for custom games. I like halo 4 and have been a fan since the first halo, but 343 seems to have overlooked what people wanted from the forge/custom games fanbase. I played twice as many custom games than matchmade ones in halo 3 because the variety of custom games kept me playing the game even after having it for several years, and I want to do that for halo 4 as well.
  2. Although this game is not suppose to be about robot warfare, adding a jet pack to the Mantis vehicle would be cool. Making it being able to sprint would also be a good addition if balanced well with the rest of its featues. I just think having a 4v4 (or more if possible) mantis battle on Impact would be an awesome space battle, and maybe having lower gravity so each mantis can fly longer distances. Also, I'm sure tons of people have said this...but please bring back a UNSC flying vehicle.
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