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    The Philosophy

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Easy? Most of these seem to come from very rare situations. Good luck meleeing someone from a man cannon, Mr. pro nasty.
  2. It's not that easy getting close to a mech to where your plasma, homes. Unless I'm just bad.
  3. Hoping a dev. sees this but I was wondering if 343 was going to follow in Bungie's footsteps when they allowed EXP earned, after reaching LT. COL, to add on once that cap was reached.
  4. I reached sr-70 2 days ago (didn't buy the LE) so I'm not able to earn EXP anymore. Am I still earning EXP, and if so, will it be added on once the specializations come out?
  5. I remember when Reach had it's Lt. Col. Cap, all of the experience gained afterwards was added on once it was lifted. I keep hearing that 343 will be doing the same. Looking for a confirmation.
  6. Is it true that any EXP gained after hitting max level carries over to the new specialization you choose?
  7. Just Hit SR-70 and I can't gain anymore experience ( didn't buy the LE) So, just wondering when I'll be able to continue leveling up. 'Til then, I'll be taking a break from MP.
  8. I don't understand why they would add the xp cap with a double xp promotion going on until next year? Come 343, get it the **** together.
  9. Made an account here just to look for a petition or complain about the XP cap. I finally have a weekend off work and bought some double XP Dew/Doritos, and I can't even enjoy it cause of the cap. Who cares if people boost? It's going to happen regardless. Also, if people hit the cap, chances are most people will stop playing so they're not unlocking commendations and wasting all that extra XP. Take it off!!
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