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    Halo 4,FPS, RTS, RPG, Flight sims, assassins creed, basically any games

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  1. that1dude0097


    Im sure many of you have noticed some balancing issues with halo 4 lets start of with the DMR the dmr: the gun is so overpowered and is now overused this is one of the weak side of loadouts since you recoil everytime you get shot depending on what weapon your getting hit with so everytime your hit by the DMR. the damage or recoil you get is overdone they need to fix this... now for matchmaking ok matchmaking is still nice, you find player, play with people etc... but what about balancing it? in halo 3 it pairs you up with players depending on your skill... with halo 4... you are either.. A. paired up with someone that is too good B. paired up with bad players (especially in team based games) C. in team slayer games the good and the bad are separated (i.e your with the newbies while the pros are teamed up) maps: the maps are.... fairly good however there is one map i like to discuss.... Comples aaah yes complex its infamous for having the wall glitch when you play oddball and infection but here is the issue with it... its made for campers the buildings are small in the inside so you and your team could just take a close range weapons and just camp inside (I had a discussion with this with some players in another site) for exmaple you know that building with the ramp? and has that bridge attached to it? yeah... a camping spot during slayer it was impossible to get inside without them just ambushing you (they were using close range weapons) I guess thats it.... only three issues
  2. Hi im new here (I actually prefer this place than the forums at waypoint) my GT: that1dude0092 I have a question.... when will 343i update the fileshare? I wanna look up peoples creations....
  3. you know the dynamic lighting? you know how it makes the objects cast shadows? yeah its a good feature right? but when you go into player mode... and go inside a bunker while the real time shadows is in use... have you noticed your player GLOWING!!!! also since the dynamic lighting is in forge now i felt this topic would be in the forge sections.... if not... how do i delete it?
  4. Halo 4's forge is good but heres is the issue for it: 1. No zoom in: wtf 343i why did you even REMOVE THIS!!!! 2. Glowing players: as you noticed when you go inside... say a round bunker you get the dynamic shadows right? well it does not apply to the player... the player glows... this makes fun and scary infection maps... not so scary with everyone glowing 3. precision: the magnets is nice but it has gaps through them... so we use the precision BUT WAIT that part was also removed.... not its impossible to put things in a "specific" way 4. Space: Forge world from reach was beautiful.... why remove it? all the forge worlds... wait are they even forge worlds? are blood gulch sized maps... THEY ARE NOT THAT BIG!!!! damn it 343i gives us a REAL forgeworld map (make it free... it should have been in the game)
  5. Ok I have been playing halo 4 for a while now and there is something that is bothering me... it seems like halo 4 has removed a lot of stuff, I mean A LOT OF STUFF that the previous halo games had. for example 1. no trueskill system (1-50): seriously? why remove it just because the bad players complain? there was a reason why halo 3 was more balanced than halo reach and 4 (it matched players depending on how well they did ex: bad players will be paired up with bad players while pros will be paired with pros etc) 2. Playlist is short: yes, yes i know its going to be updated but how will you feel if they don't add classic modes like... a normal ffa (regicide is cool but the classic ffa was fun) 3. No proper assault modes: yes there is grifball and you could just modify it... but where is the explosion, grif is suppose to die... there is a reason why its called "grifball" 4. Forge maps: the maps Impact, Erosion, and Ravine are "bloodgulch-sized" maps... they are not REAL forgeworld maps 5. Theater mode: this... this is whats bothering me... where is theater mode for CAMPAIGN and S-OPS!? 6. Custom games: I don't need to explain this... a lot of people complained about it... 7. Join in progress: how do you feel when every match you join is either: about to end, you are put in a losing team with impossible odds, and unbalanced? 8. Campaign: campaign was good but not good like halo 3s one or halo 2s, where is the epic music playing loudly in the background all i hear is ambient noises, where is the freedom? the missions felt linear, and wheres the epic moments (odsts dropping in to help then loud drum beats play etc...) 9. Scoring system: where is the scoring system for s-ops and campaign? without them they feel... boring 10. Menu: why did they have to make the menu too.... exaggerated? seriously they could have done a Reach-like menu where an artistic background is in it not a 3d background (serously it made the Framerate drop... and your in a freaking menu) 11. balance: halo 3 had perfect balance in matchmaking, halo reach was meh, halo 4... wtf why am i paired up witht he pros... im not that good.. pair me up with someone with equel skill as me not someone who could kill me every five seconds 12. DMR: its overpowered and is now the most overused weapon 13. 1-50 only in waypoint: wtf I want to see my rank next to my profile not exit the damned game just to see my rank... otherwise whats the point? 14. Unneccesary quicktime events: personally i believe this is the reason why there is no theater for campaign... plus its useless... it also takes you away from halo experiance 15. S-ops repeatative: why are all the mission just recycled maps with different objectives? 16. firefight is gone: dumbest decision to remove it. s-ops is gold only, what happens if you only have silver or no online at all... i wanna kill some time by killing prometheans and covies (hell firefight is also a good way to show off the deadliness of the prometheans) 17. Xp Cap: i don't need to explain this 18. Kill cams: kill cams are innacurate, you watch a killcam yet the dude killed you YES HE WAS LOOKING AT A WALL! 19. ODST helmet: seriously where is it? 20. Emblems needs to be unlocked: wtf? is this!? why do i need to unlock them when in other halo games they are already available! 21. kill system: where are the matches where kills matters... this are matches where you can actually show off your skill in this game... not get an assist every 5 seconds yet end up being number 1! 22. 343i: the fact that they are listening to the casuals and kids when they should pay attention to the fans who have been playing this since halo 1 and 2! 23. Vehicles: they need to balance some of the vehicles... or nerf some (banshee is weak and sluggish) 24. Map variarety: more maps to vote... how many times have YOU played ragnarok on Big-team slayer? ........................................................................................................................................ thats all i might add some issues and remove stuff (when they are fixed)
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