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Everything posted by Bacon558

  1. when will 343 have an official site? one that you don't HAVE to log in to get... anything. a site with pictures storylines and biographies!
  2. this game would kick a** on PC! would also like to have a 2 faction campaign mode including the covenant or a sequel.
  3. i know halo one definitely deserves this honor but halo 2 needs it! when halo 2 was created it was rushed into mass production and didn't even have all of the visual bugs worked out of it! when i play halo2 on my 360 the sky in the back ground.... glitches on my screen like a shadow and the outline of whatever was in that skyline is almost burnt into my screen. (not my TV but what i'm seeing in the game, it changes every now and then too.) plus texture glitches and what not. very poor quality videos and ingame stuff. too much effort was put into online Multiplayer crap and not enough on campaign mode. with online multiplayer down pat i imagine... (hope) that more effort could be put toward campaign mode.
  4. Halo has always been about the master chief and rightly so! but what if 343 did something like halo 2.... just not as frequent. this time the game would start and you'd be a Forerunner female (in a Previously mentioned class 12 combat skin 'from halo 3 log that you find on the arch') the first segment would be the forerunner's last fight against the flood, after a prolonged combat and storyline segment she would jump into an experimental stasis pod that would protect her from the halo blast. then you play as the master chief, they eventually meet up (on the forerunner would) and have to work together to escape. we'll say the chief could get captured or injured, or missing at about halfway through (say they get back to earth and are fighting the covenant in their galaxy) she will have to find them (Cortana included). together with the master chief they revive anumber of surviving forerunners and they are given a second chance to start anew (With forerunner technology) on earth. also feature the cooperation between the elites and humans in there war both against the covenant and the flood. we'll say that the chief and cortana have been in stasis themselves for almost 30-40 years so humanity now has shield technology and some primative energy weapons for ship to ship combat. they have also started to expand out into the galaxy again maybe send them for a brief scene to Reach which has been recolonized and they are currently working to reconstruct the next generation of Spartans Mrk...6 would it be? or 7? anyway the chief would get put in a squad of next gen spartans who revere him as a god almost. i do like the idea of using your customized spartan in campaign mode (halo Reach), Preferably without a sad ending.... maybe include the option to alter the chief's armor with unlocked equipment, and create your own spartan which will be used if your player 2,3,4 in campaign coop.
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