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Posts posted by Zensway

  1. Well arbiter was pretty much my favorite character out of the series of halo. he was a badass to begin with and after all the stuff he went through he still became number 1. i'm just a bit more curious on why the covenant were helping the forunners. Also i'm pretty sure arbiter and the other Elites should have gotten wind of their own race pretty much aiding the promethians. So to me there seems a lot of questions that need to be answered, and as for the flood they were eliminated after we killed gravemind. ( which was pretty creepy by the way lol.) but i do wish that arbiter makes a return i do love the guy and the good elites helping out the aliens i loved. Also, hoping cortana comes back because she is awesome lol. but after what happened i dont if she will for sure but we all just gotta wait and see i guess.

  2. so i have been playing halo 4 for a maximun of probably 18 hours. and i see some people just standing there not doing anything and getting killed giving the other team free points. i dont know about you guys but i think it would be nice for us to kick or them to be automatically to be kicked from the game after a certain amount of time. at least that way its fair for both teams and not having the other team rack up points just because some guy decides to go do something else and get killed. overall though i do love this game its pretty amazing i just seem to find that a issue that can be dealt with.

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