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Everything posted by zBeaR

  1. zBeaR

    Noble 6

    I haven't played Halo 2 before, so I have no knowledge of the campaign So, you're saying the Arbiter in Halo 2 was the first Arbiter in 100 or so years?
  2. zBeaR

    Noble 6

    Spartans might not have been but Cpt. Keyes was in the third mission on Halo 1. I think Sgt. Johnson was also a prisoner on the first mission, I forget. So why not spartans? So that Elite may be the Arbiter still, maybe just not at the time.
  3. zBeaR

    Noble 6

    Reach and Halo 2 were set in the same year, 2552.
  4. zBeaR

    Noble 6

    That could be true. I just don't get how Halsey can say that stuff without being there though, doesn't make sence. She probably assumed he/she died. As for getting off Reach? No idea really. I only have one theory. Just before the red Elite 'stabs' Noble 6, one Elite gets in the way. That Elite's Energy Sword was in the left hand and if I remember correctly, only the Arbiter uses a sword with his left hand. You don't actually see the Elite though, just the hand and the Energy Sword. For some odd reason; if it were the Arbiter, the Arbiter could've taken Noble 6 as a prisoner. That's one way to avoid the glassing
  5. zBeaR

    Noble 6

    Does anyone know what happened to 6 on Reach? I had a look at the cutscene on the mission, Lone Wolf but 6 could've survived that. A lot people say the he/she got impaled in the chest but you don't actually see 6 get stabbed. I saw multiple Elites attempting to impale him/her but all you see is the Elites shields going down and getting hit back. The red Elite at the end might have hit 6 but there was an Elite in the way, so you can't really tell. Does anyone have any idea what could've happened or maybe some information about it? Thanks
  6. Do you think Legendary is too easy? 343i should officially add a new difficulty in for Halo 5. Sure, skulls like Mythic, Thunderstorm and Tilt can make legendary harder but for some hardcore players, that can still be easy. Also, add new skulls to improve AI performance or reduce trait effects for MC. Rage - Makes Elites and Knights use melee attacks more frequently Noble - Doubles the amount of enemies Lone wolf - Removes non-essential allies EMP - Shield recharge rate is slower Random skulls like these would make the campaign more interesting.
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