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Everything posted by xKiLLeRxRaNGeRx

  1. If 343 makes a better version of forge they should make it to where you can have a option to customize your own pieces or lock certain parts of ur forge so u can copy it and move to the other side of the map if your making a symmetrical map, and they should make it to where your can use objects to block out the sun if u want to make a map made for using the shadows.
  2. That would take up too much bandwidth for the game and it wouldn't be able too run properly so they couldn't let you have an unlimited amount of anything...by the time if 343 bandwidth for the game increases they could consider giving you a larger amount of items to build with, but until then we'll have to see. It would be better if they give you more features within forge but, they'll have to come up with those ideas themselves.
  3. If 343 Industries makes this remake they should leave the game the same with the campaign and make the lengendary difficulty the same as it was when Halo CE showed up in stores starting the epic franchise.
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