Just wanted to see what you guys would like to see in upcoming downloadble content for Halo 4.
Personally I would like to see:
The return of Halo 1+2+3+Reach+ODST Vechicles, Weapons and Armor
Infected armor pieces (i.e More Flood Armor)
Underwater maps (also the ability to swim, if not then simply to be able to go into water in maybe some kind of Scuba Mantis)
Playable Elites agian
Back body armor: Swords, Katana's, Machetes etc. (could play a part in assassinations) Flags on poles, bags of skulls (think Predator)
Customizable styles for your Jetpack
The return of bigger Forge Maps
The Ultimate Map Pack: Every map, ever released on every Halo game. Ever. Even DLC ones. (Excluding Wars)
Firefight's return
Duel-Wielding (Probably not a good idea on the whole, but you never know...)
Damaged armor i.e Needler rounds stuck in it or a crack visor, it would look kick-ass!
More Armor's to unlock past level 50 and just more in general
More Specializations (and with that, more ranks to get to)
Playable Brutes(?)
Forerunner Armor (One of the top on my list)
More armor abilites Stun, Tether (i.e Didact force choke) Teleportation ( perfect for n00bs )
Blood Gulch.
Any more ideas that I have I will post on here. Oh, and if anyone from 343i sees this post, Please do consider these ideas to prehaps put in, or just ignore them as the ramblings of a crazed fan-boy. Ether way, thanks for making such a fantastic a astounding game for us to cheirsh and enjoy.