COD= Laying in prone, killstreaks (if you think this is the same as ordinance than LOL), ironsights, smaller maps, no vehicles, no weapon spawns, etc.
Halo= Crouching only, weapon ordinance, no sights on quite a few guns (scopes on the ones that you can zoom in on), large, open maps, vehicles, weapon spawns
seems like you had a few bad games and got owned a few times. If you played Halo 3 and earlier you would know that campers were in more abundance than they are now. Maybe you should communicate and use teamwork so that the enemy team cant get both mantises and than "camp" in the middle?
Chill. Not knockin on COD since I have occasional fun in their games (thinking about picking up BO2 on black friday?) but Halo and COD both have extreme playstyle differences. Just because you can cherry pick some features that are similar doesnt mean they are the same game.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)