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Josh Mata

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Everything posted by Josh Mata

  1. Just going to list some problems I see with the game. Not even bashing it, I like Halo 4 for what it's worth. 1. Boltshot is ridiculously strong for a loadout weapon. I get that its a pistol, but why is the Needler a "power weapon" that comes with ord drops, when alot of fights are either at larger range then the needler's working capability, or too close, where melee and shotguns/boltshots will destroy the needler-user. 2. The Needler tracking is ridiculously weak compared to the Halo: Reach and Halo 3 Needler. It REALLY doesnt feel like a "power weapon" at all, let alone something that should be a Ord drop weapon. 3. The Ord Drop (Needler/Grenades/Speed Boost) is next to useless on larger maps (where everyone just uses long range weapons and picks you off with teamshots). 4. Kill-cams. They dont work. Half the time, they dont even show what happend to you (if they decide to appear at all). The other half, It shows them looking at a wall, and firing a bunch of shots, killing you somehow. They need to be fixed or gotten rid of, because I (along with several others I play with) am not gaining any form of knowledge from "Dude shot some birds 5 times in the sky and it killed me) 5. The game seems to insult people who play Big team with Ord drops, due to, regardless of how you are doing, one side (usually the winning side) will get Binary Rifle, Snipers, Saws, Damage Boost, Over Shields... While YOUR side (losing by a wide margin at times) will get the horrid Needler/grenades/Speed Boost. Given that, you can either pray to god you hail mary a grenade... Get laughed at for using a needler against a saw... or run faster to your death. 6. Random weapon drops in Dominion. Most of the time, they will be exactly what you see them as. A drop labeled DMR is a DMR, Rocket Launcher is Rockets. On the rare occasion (not rare enough in my opinion), the Pulse Grenades are an Incinerator Cannon, the DMR is a Rocket Launcher, and the Binary Rifle is some plasma grenades. 7. Vehicle boarding seems to be completely random. Hold (your respective controller layout board-that-vehicle button), while the prompt says. Sometimes you jump on the vehicle. Cool. Sometimes you stare at it before getting shot to death. 8. The Wraith is still broken. Ever since Halo: Reach, the brain-dead ability to SHOOT THE GUY BOARDING YOU FROM THE FRONT while you are driving the Wraith has been implemented. This brings about no-limits of rage. Why should you risk running up to a wraith that can kill you with a slight bump (more on that later), while its lobbing huge-blast raidus plasma motars, and surrounded by teammates, ONLY to jump onto the front half while its in the middle of nowhere... and have it just shoot you right off, and go about its business. Not only that, it takes MINIMAL damage from shooting you off of it. 9. Vehicle splatters are ridiculously overpowered in this game. A light bump from any given vehicle (save the Scorpion) just brutalizes you. A ghost turning has splattered me. A Wraith moving backwards to fire a mortar at another base has splattered me without even knowing. Boarding a Warthog driver's seat has actually splattered me in the past. 10. Gauss Hog too strong. Ive watched multiple teammates and myself fire rockets, lasers, stuck 2 plasma grenades to the G.Hog, Scorpion Shot, and a Banshee Bomb this thing, and it just drives away, one shotting people as it goes bye. Granted, all of this wasnt at once, but 1 Rocket should atleast kill the vehicle, let alone 2. 11. Full parties VS Non-full parties. I cant count the amount of times where my friend and I will go into Dominion, Capture the Flag, Slayer, and KOTH as 2 people, and get paired with 3 randoms versus a full party of people (all their tags having the first 2-3 letters the same... like XGC Headshot, XGC Beatdown, etc). This just kills any hope of winning that particular game at that point due to the randoms never wanting to communicate or even listen to directions or call outs. 12. Vehicle Durability is too high. Banshee is glass cannon, sure. But Scorpion tank, BOTH warthogs, Ghosts, Wraiths, and Gundam (Mantis) all seem to be made from some kind of denser-then-the-sun metal. Its a PAIN to kill these vehicles at all, and even harder to prevent people from getting in them in some cases (looking at you, big team Slayer on Exile... One side gets Scorpion, other side gets Gauss hog and Banshee.) 13. Game starting with uneven teams. I have finished a 5v8 where WE had the 5 (my 4 friends and myself) versus 8 people. Halfway through the game, 2 of the enemies quit while we were winning, making it 5v6. While not bad, when people ended up FINALLY joining the game via drop in/drop out system... the ENEMY team got the 2 extras, putting the game back to 5v8. No attempt made by the game was made to even try to get us 3 other teammates. I also dont believe that no one in the world was queueing with atleast 1-3 people in their party for big team at that moment. This isnt the only occasion of uneven teams (alot of games start 4v5 with my friends, getting a 5th either after its too late, or halfway through the game), but its a little dumb that games even START with less then a 5v5. 14. Meltdown/Vortex ord drops on dominion are out of control. This whole point is simple. Binary Rifle and Incinerator Cannons. Everywhere. If a team get an IC in B, then B isnt getting taken for awhile. Ofcourse, you could ALWAYS go for A or C, if the people in those bases didnt ALSO have Cannons or Rifles. These are the problems that come to me right now. I know I have complained about alot more outloud (mostly during rage and what not). Just my 2 cents.,
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