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  1. so my only issue with machmaking is when my buddy and i live in the same house and run off the same connection and we can connect to games just fine when on our own . but when we party up the game will not connect us and we have reset our wireless connection numerous times and relocated the router countless more. what could be the issue and if anyone has any insight it would be much appreciated
  2. so basically because you are loosing a lot in halo 4 matchmaking 343 is to blame for this? why because there game is not an exact clone of halo 3? this is all i read when i hear reviews from non professional Halo 4 is Halo 4 not ******* halo 3 if you want a game like halo 3 then go play halo 3 this is an absolute joke of a thread your opinion seems like its based off of your individual skill ( or lack there of). this game is fantastic and i think for a developer that took the halo universe ( and were under extreme amounts of pressure from the fan base) did a fantastic job in matchmaking and campaign. you should really learn to appreciate the amount of effort these people put into the game to make us happy. If you dont like the wargames dont play them go play black ops 2 dont come on here and tell everyone that the game is not good because you cant win in a game.
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