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Raphael Megusta Stu

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Posts posted by Raphael Megusta Stu

  1. I still had to fix a few aesthetical things and I also added 2 more loadout cams... The map supports now also ffa matches.


    The link to the "final" version is now updated (05.06.13)



    • Like 1
  2. Love the aesthetics; i like how you placed the map in such a way that the forerunner building cuts through the middle. not that i have played on it, but it seems to support jetpack more than other armor abilities; i doubt autosentry or active camo would work as well. still, great job!

    the breaking of pallets to ambush people from underground is really creative, i like the idea, but it may not be as functional in a competitive map? i don't know, that may be just me.


    Thanks man, nice that you like the aesthetics!


    Actually all armor abilities work well, it just depends on how creative you use them ;-) ...

    I didn't speak about it before, but you can easily use it to your advantage if everyone else thinks the jetpack is the best choice...


    For example seeing through walls allows you to see people walking in the trench so you can figure out a good position to jump down or shoot at them.


    The camo on the other side is useful because of the many hiding spots and narrow ways where u can easily be overseen. The camo can of course also be useful to hold a usually less attractive exposed (power) position without being noticed fast enough...


    The pallet traps on top are at alleged good looking camping spots that aren't necessary key positions.

    The pallet traps at the lower area are where they can only be shot from a few more or less exposed positions...


    I just made another huge update today... With improved the sight lines and aesthetics and I added more on-map weapons.

  3. Today I already uploaded a newer version again... Mainly because of the weapon tuning update, I added some of the now improved weapons. But I also changed some areas and made them less confusing to navigate. I will upload a few new screenshots next week.


    The link is updated...


    As always I appreciate any constructive feedback on it ;-) !

  4. Not that your map didn't already look great Raphael but I think it looks twice as great now. Really good job on the improvements.


    Thank you Drizzy_Dan!


    After the countless test games and feedback inspired work on new improvements I realy appreciate your nice words.

    • Like 1
  5. Please checkout the latest version of Hyperion. I just released a huge update with lots of gameplay improvements and new elements for many cool trick jumps and there are 2 working ladders now for the requested more possibilities to get out the trench...


    I'll update the pictures as soon as possible.

  6. Map: Hyperion


    Gamertag: Roughsta


    Gametypes: Team Slayer, Extraction, King Of The Hill


    Players: 16



    I'd like to get some general feedback on the map and especially to the following points:


    -Spawn placement

    -Lines of sight


    -Hill and Extraction Point Placement

    -How competitive does it feel?


    I'd realy appreciate any constructive suggestions...



    • Like 1
  7. It's awesome how you continue to improve it!

    I can't wait to finally get a chance to test the latest version with you...

    Maybe this friday I'll have time to join the FNC^^ Please just send me an invite if there is a place free in one of your test lobbies ;-) !

    • Like 1
  8. Thanks!

    Have you already played on it?



    I'm looking forward to get some expert critics...


    So please just try it out guys and let me know your thoughts about the design and how it played for you...

  9. Hyperion

    Latest Version 05.06.2013 - Created by Roughsta

    Gamertag: Roughsta

    Map Download Link:

    "Epic battles are constantly drenching this ancient arena in Spartan blood, just to slake the thirst of gods..."

    This is my 9th Halo 4 map and I put a lot of thought in each detail...

    It's a "watertight" symmetric map which is split up by a big trench.
    There are some unique aesthetics and smooth integrated pallets and explosives to explore...

    I hope you are curious enough to give it a download^^

    Intended Size:
    8-16 Players

    Supported Gametypes:
    Slayer, King Of The Hill, Extraction, Flood, Swat, Regicide, Oddball

    Initial Ordnance:
    1x Binary Rifle 180s
    1x Sticky Detonator 180s
    1x Scattershot 180s
    1x Energy Sword 180s
    1x Railgun 180s
    1x Needler 180s
    2x 2 Frag Grenades 120s
    2x 2 Plasma Grenades 120s
    2x 2 Impulse Grenades 120s

    Random Ordnance: None

    Weapons on Map:
    2x Battle Rifle 60s
    2x Light Rifle 60s
    2x Assault Rifle 60s
    2x Storm Rifle 60s
    2x Suppressor 60s
    2x Covenant Carbine 60s
    2x DMR 60s

    Armor Abilities/ Powerups on Map: None

    Supported Vehicles: None

    Trait Zones:
    1x 200% gravity at the top, to ensure no one gets out with a jetpack...

    Budget: 9995/10000

    Multi-Team Gameplay Video of the latest version of the map:

    Part 1

    Part 2

    4v4 Slayer Gameplay Video of an older version of the map:

    Fileshare Video Link: Datei-Browser Offizielle Halo-Seite

    All pics of the latest version:






























    If you take a closer look at my maps you will definetly notice how much work and time I spent on forging...
    I'm always trying to serve you unique clean forged quality maps.
    I'll keep testing my maps to improve them over and over again, so please send me a message on Xbox Live if you want me to add you as a test member...

    Thanks for all constructive critics, comments and likes!


    • Like 1
  10. Map Name: The Flying Dutchie

    File Share Gamertag: Roughsta

    Picture Link:


    File Share Link:

    Canvas Map: Ravine

    Last Updated:
    23.2.2013 18:40:48 GMT+1 Switzerland

    Tags: pfl, mps, roughsta, 4v4, slayer, koth, flood, oddball

    Supported Gametypes: King Of The Hill, Slayer, Flood, Swat and Oddball

    Best Gametypes: King Of The Hill, Slayer, Flood, Swat

    Intended Team Sizes: 4v4

    Initial Ordnance: None
    Random Ordnance: None

    Weapons on Map:
    1x Bazooka
    1x Sword
    1x Binary Rifle
    2x Scattershot
    2x Sticky Detonator
    Spawntime: 3 minutes (for all)

    Armor Abilities/ Powerups on Map: None

    Supported Vehicles:
    2x Banshee
    Spawntime: 3 minutes

    Budget: 10000/10000

    Video Flythrough / Overview Link:

    Gameplay Video Link:

    Map Description:

    The first idea when I started forging this map, was to build 2 ships on the water. With mancannons to jump from one to the other and explosives beside them, to use them realy as cannons to attack each other ship... But unfor(ge)tunatly the budget and part limit was too low to forge them as I intended to.
    So I decided to build just one ship and use it as a 4v4 map.
    But because of the killing zones (Dear 343 why aren't there at least deletable killing zones at the edges of your forge maps?!) I wasn't able to build it on the water! Then I thought ok... it's time to improvise, so I just invented this symmetrical hybrid anti-gravity water-ship "The Flying Dutchie".

    At the end of the building process I realised that with the quick hide and counter attack gameplay on this map, there would be no chance for Banshees to be overpowered. So 2 Banshees became part of the map... But they spawn only in the "slayer" gamemode, because with "king of the hill" they just don't work that well...

    I already tested this map with many random people and friends. The fast paced gameplay on it, mixed whith explosive or sneaky tactics is what makes it realy outstanding... =)

    For the rest I'll just let the youtube videos speak...

    Thanks for all constructive critics, likes and comments!

    Greetings =)

    • Like 2
  11. Hi Forgers and Players

    This is my first finished Halo 4 map... It's a floating symmetrical map that I have built on Impact.

    It's supposed to be played with big teams 8vs8 or at least 4vs4 players and supports the following gametypes:

    - King Of The Hill
    - Oddball
    - Slayer
    - Flood

    Following vehicles and weapons are placed on it:

    - 8 x Mongoose (Spawntime 60)
    - 4 x Banshee (Spawntime 60)

    - 1 x Firelauncher (Spawntime 60)
    - 1 x Hammer (Spawntime 60)
    - 4 x (First Spawn) Rocket Launcher
    - 8 x (First Spawn) 2 Cluster Grenades
    - 8 x (First Spawn) 2 Sticky Grenades
    - + Many Random Weapon-Spawn Places

    Gamertag: Roughsta
    Map name: Event Horizon

    Thanks for your feedback, I hope you enjoy it ;-)


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