Hey everybody, I'm new to this website however I've been a big halo fan since combat evolved and was a pretty active member on bungie.net. However now that 343 is in control, I've come to this site with some questions, and will hopefully receive some answers in return. For the first week of halo 4 since it's release date, everything went extremely smooth for me. Spartan ops, multiplayer, and co-op campaign were super smooth and amazing. Now it seems that I've hit a bump in a road. For atleast the past five days, I've experienced "playable" multiplayer, however I have to be patient with teleporting enemies/vehicles, slow framerates at times, and freezing br/dmr duels that result in my shields suddenly disappearing and resulting in my death. When it comes to spartan ops, a good day online involves another "playable" game, but is riddled with horrible lag and frame rate issues. Pulling my trigger and having shots fired one to two seconds later has become a norm for me on online spartan ops. I do have a wireless connection, however I have open nat, and a great strong signal. I also went to the extent of forwarding ports for xbox live. I have never had these issues before (besides in Halo Reach Firefight) with any other halo game online. In conclusion, I'm really just curious if anyone else is experiencing these problems recently, if these issues are going to be fixed, or if 343i has addressed any these issues at all.