I liked most of what you had to say. However some of my problems are you rated the campaign a 10/10 and spartan ops 9/10 and claimed that you really like them. Then when all you mostly did was point out the negatives in matchmaking gave it a 7 out of 10. So to me that says something.
Now I agree with most of what you said HOWEVER, I feel that the campaign was totally bogus and whacked out. Where was the challenge the hours of frustration b/c you cant beat a certain point. A friend and myself beat it in under 8 hours (we also had a TON of lag issues to where we couldn't do parts b/c it lagged so freaking bad) What about the hunt for the skulls instead they just give them to you. I was not very satisfied with the campaign at all. I also have not watched the terminals, mainly out of discuss for the campaign game play and lack of challenge. I rate the campaign at a 4/10.
Spartan ops seems fun. Here we are in week 2 and yet we are still on the same 5 maps though seems kinda lame. Exact same missions yet on different parts of the map. It has some great potential but I feel that if you use the same maps your just doing the same thing over and over which was your point in firefight. BORING. 6/10
Matchmaking I agree 100% with what you said about this. I however though feel that the ordinaces are not balanced or fun by any means No weapon spawn other than RANDOM drops that seem to only be in the benefit of the team that is leading is dumb. This is a way for the team that is ahead to stay ahead. What ever happen to map control won the game. With weapons spawning, half the battle was knowing spawn timers and being able to control the map. I don't think taking the best from other games was a way that Halo should have went. If I wanted to play CoD or Battlefield i would. Halo defined FPS with the original halo game. It was a unique character and was its own. Now I feel like i'm running around with Gears sprint, CoD ordinances on an Unreal Tournament battlefield. I miss when halo was its own individual personality. I Rate matchmaking 2/10
Overall I think this game was taken in the wrong direction and has way more draw backs than perks. I will still play halo in hopes that it does get cleaned up and shines again.
Now i'm know your ready to flame but i'm just like you when you go look at my k2d its positive (not the greatest but at least a 1.5) I have played halo since the beginning even stopped off at halo wars just b/c it was halo. I am also an avid fan of halo!