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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. Neither of you have enough badges to control me! Even combined you don't have enough badges to control me.
  2. I am not all that excited about it even if it were true. While Halo 2 was a fun game it wasn't my favorite. That and things were so broken in that game (made it fun) that if they do remake it then all of those broken things will be "fixed" and it will just be a bunch of complaining about how it is not anywhere near like the original Halo 2.
  3. JX just let it drop. All you are doing is giving this person what they want. It really isn't worth your time, nor anybody elses.
  4. I don't mind that they are polishing up the current gen versions of the game. I just hope that there will be enough people on the 360 to make my purchase worth while. I cant afford a 180 so I am trying to make due.
  5. I mentioned Dishonored because I feel it should have been treated as a AAA title. That and the majority of people I know and talk to have never played it. I can only speak from my own experiences you know As for DeathSpank you can find that on the arcade. It is awesome. Its co-op is limited but still amusing. The best part about it is the dialog. It is just plain old funny. Even watching the trailers for the games (http://www.deathspank.com/) you get a kick out of the dialog. Spellforce on the other hand is for the PC only. It is a fantastic blend of RTS and RPG with a great story behind it. With a large variety of units, races and items to deal with you can spend hours going through it. The expansion packs are wonderful additions as well. If you play through the first game and its expansions you really get a feel for what happens in the second game. While they tone down the amount of units in the second game they make up for it with their versatility and character development.
  6. I am still wondering why people get in such a huff over ones opinion on this... Seriously either you liked it or you don't. What does it matter if the next person likes it or not?
  7. Considering the characters have starships to take them from planet to planet I don't see the need for an animal to tag along. However I could see some sort of mechanical device to make trips shorter on land but only in specific areas. Even then those could be filled in with world specific transport such as a monorail or even a teleporter.
  8. Considering the only real difference in the character models between all three of those games is height I really don't see the point. Now if the Spartan-III's had their SPI armor instead of MJOLNIR (like they are supposed to) then I could see something like this being of value. The Spartan-IV's though are nearly identical to the Spartan-II's in physical appearance while in armor. There isn't much difference there to be honest beyond the armor model itself.
  9. Considering we know nothing about its concept I will stick with Halo 5.
  10. You forgot to mention she is royalty. We already owe her our allegiance as citizens of Hyrule.
  11. Somebody mentioned tech... which I think is incorrect. Look at the first 3 Star Wars films (episodes 4, 5 and 6). The lightsaber fights were so small in those movies yet they were hugely successful. The largest fight was in episode 6 and even that was a very small part of that film. To me it is the story that creates successful sci-fi stuff. A story that captures the imagination and makes you truly wonder if something more is out there. Something no man/woman has ever seen before. A future for humanity that could be reality. It creates questions with in out own mind. It relates to what we already have and know while giving us unknowns to ponder about. It makes us want to believe is who we are and who we can become. Great sci-fi inspires people to look towards the future. To build upon themselves and make their imagination into reality. All of our hopes, dreams, tears and fears are able to be explored with sci-fi. A realm of infinite possibilities. Great horrors, noble saviors and everything in between is possible. While this can be said of any genre (for the most part) I tend to think of sci-fi leading the way in it. The futures it shows us as well as our distorted pasts (Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow) give us glimpses in both directions while still taking us forwards. Still taking us into an unknown tomorrow where our minds imagination is the only limit.
  12. If they do show up I would rather have all of them break away from the UNSC instead of being rank and file. However I don't think they will show up.
  13. 1: Halo CE 2: Halo 3 ODST 3: Halo 4 4: Halo 2 5: Halo 3 6: Halo Reach 7: Halo Wars
  14. I had hoped that you didn't make this riddle about the Hummer. Another cut vehicle....
  15. I think you are talking about the Cougar. It is a deleted vehicle of the UNSC from Halo Wars.
  16. Well if you guys/girls (which ever the case may be) decide to have another one I will see about attending, if only to game with my old buddies again.
  17. Perhaps you might want to try reading a little farther back dude.... There are huge amounts of nay sayers in the forums all across the web. Also you are claiming an opinion as fact, when opinions are not facts. Please try again. You didn't like Halo 4, that's cool. You are entitled to feel that way, but don't think it means everybody feels that way. As you said the vast majority of gamers never voice their opinions on forums. That means they could either love it, hate it or some where between those two extremes. Nobody really knows. As I said before, you need to read threads a little further back to find the really hate filled ones. Even now there are still quite a few threads that hate on Halo 4 as well as members who hate on it. Welcome to the internet.
  18. 1: Chill out dude/dudette (which ever the case may be) 2: Azaxx was referring to the constant insults you have been throwing out to people who have replied in a sensible manor. You really need to step back and take look at who you are insulting. These are people who understand your issue but already know that the cause of the problem is not something anybody can fix. 3: Millions of people have had issues like this. You are not unique. Stop thinking you are. 4: Consider buying a console like buying a new hard drive for a PC. You never really know when it will go out. Could be a month from purchase or it could be 10 years. It is a crap shoot. There is only so much people can do to prevent such an even from happening. Microsoft figured out problems with their original release of the 360 and did their best to fix them. Unfortunately, as I have been stressing, the problem isn't really solvable with the technology available at that time. Even with current generations of technology this problem hasn't been solved. Honestly my suggestion is grow a spine and suck it up. Crap happens that you cant fix. Enjoy the product while you have it and when it gives out get a new product, if you can afford one. Remember these are luxury items. Heck when I was young I was lucky to see an Atari in the neighborhood let alone one in my house. Consider your self lucky you, or your parents, can afford the system in the first place.
  19. Darn. I thought I had something going for me besides my blinding good looks.
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