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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. Official Award: Previous Winners : humpstyles (12-14-12) SykoWolf (12-18-12) Vaulting♥Frog (1-27-2013) Ladies and Gentleman! Spartans and Elites! "Please have a sit and listen to me, telling something about Jackals and Brutes, about guns and wars, the oddies and the weird, about anything I have jeered. You know who am I? I'm the very best in this center of the galaxy, the Jester of this ring, or maybe just a clown. What day is today? Topsy turvey, ye may say.... Here i am just to amuse the audience, with some short tiny riddles about anything of The Halo World: May it be guns and vehicles, powerful weapons, people, or quests, monsters, terminals, places, insanity......aaaanything ye like! Guess rightly to the puzzle, and thou may collect point. 1 guess per post, then wait for the host! If you're correct, then it's your turn; respect! When thou reach 10 points...thou shall winneth! Amendment: Please keep it to one answer per post please. It is much easier to keep track of things that way. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok to start us off.... Slow and powerful My timing is everything Fe Fi Fo Fum I smell the blood of a Spartan Pillars of ash and smoke arise Silencing all of your cries I shall put the foot down Lay the law as it were Walk my street at your peril The curb commith for you
  2. I think it was groundbreaking. Not in a mechanical sense but in a story sense (like ODST). Never before had we seen the Forerunners. Sure we read about them in the books and the terminals in H3 gave some insight into who they were, we just never had seen one or could have invisioned how "human" they are. The mightest species in the galaxy being laid low by the humans all those years ago. They hate they can display is astounding for a species portrayed to be the protectors of all life in the galaxy. Their evolution has barely begun however the ice has been broken and the stage set for an epic change to what we have known and assumed about them. For technical stuff I dont see a huge amount of innovation beyond the complete overhaul of an engine (which they did a great job with). They tweeked the game a bit after seeing some feedback from Reach (issues with people just using sprint and so on) and they tried to follow through on that feedback in their gameplay. Of what they implemented some was a success and others not so much (I hate the black screen), but for the most part people got a version of what they were asking for (every piece of feedback must be tweeked in order to fit within the game and any other mechanics they develop from feedback) and they were solid. As i have been constantly saying, this isnt Bungies vision of Halo anymore. 343 has taken that mantle and we just barely got a peak at what their vision of Halo is. I am certain that each one of us views Halo in a similar yet strikingly different light, just as 343 does from Bungie. This doesnt make it bad, only different. I mean looking back at Halo CE, when it first came out they could have ended the series right there and been completely fine. I have seen games cut off like that before and are still amazing games even if they should have had a sequel. That story while great, could not even begin to show what might happen later on in the series. It introduced new enemies, that was it. No hints beyond the "we are just getting started" line at the end. They had a fresh start then and now 343i has the same fresh start with Halo 4. I am really getting tired of the "CoD" thing. It is wearing thin. I know it is a game series that people use to compare Halo to however that is the same as comparing apples to oranges. Both are fruit (or in this case FPS's) but both are different in flavor. They have a similar background yes however that doesnt make them the same. I realize it is hard to find something else to compare it to but come on, Halo is not CoD and it never will be. Apples and oranges people. Thats all I will say on that (my views are fairly well known about it anyways).
  3. Wrong... Somebody other than me...
  4. Ok I doubt many of you have heard of this game but it is bloody amazing. You can find Deathspank on the XBL arcade and it is on PSN as well as on PC. So far they have created 2 games and the third is in the works. They are Adventure/RPG games with some serious laughs. Some of the humor can be obscure but most of it is just flat out funny and anybody can be amused by it. http://www.deathspank.com/ This link is to their main site. Click on one of the game titles (there are three on there) and it will send you to that game and there are more trailers and gameplay footage on that site.
  5. Its not that it isnt enforced. When people are caught breaking the laws they get punished simple as that. The problem is catching them in the first place. People are becoming increasingly clever in obtaining weapons that they shouldnt have. While the laws might need to be updated a bit that still wont stop people from buying a gun when they shouldnt be able to. They always find ways around it if they are really serious about getting one. Just like any other law really.
  6. Check out my maps on my fileshare as well. I got a map to go with it.
  7. CapToenail24 I will go online and put it on my fileshare now so you can check it out
  8. I would rather have the flying monkeys from The Wizard of Oz or the Hawk Men from Flash Gordan. Either of those would be beast.
  9. We have a mantis battle game. I will put it on my fileshare so you can check it out. Was a heck of a lot of fun. Also I am a huge MechWarrior fan so I love messing around in mechs all the time.
  10. In the books he did just fine with out Cortana, and for a chunk of Halo 3 we played with out her... But yes he should be on his own if Cortana doesnt come back.
  11. I try not to make assumptions and inferences on forums as they tend to cause trouble (I am not always successful but I do try).
  12. The OP didn't specify matchmaking so that is why I made that comment. If it is matchmaking specific then yes they should have a static loadout playlist.
  13. Just about the spelling error, I sometimes type to fast and it counts as a double press for some of my keys. It was unintentional. But back to the OP's idea. While yes a game can help support a competitive play style that competitive play style is determined by the players themselves. Taking Halo 4 for example. With its different mechanics comes a different style of competitive gaming. One that many, so it seems, are refusing to either recognize or flat out refuse to play it. Halo 4 is not supposed to be Halo 3. The competitive play in Halo 3 is supposed to be different than in Halo 4. I personally think people are so hung up on the idea of competitive game play from Halo 3 that they just are not open to any change what so ever from it. Reach was pushing the boundaries in a good way but many seemed to feel that because it wasn't the same as Halo 3 that it was bad. Yes it is a radical change from Halo 3's competitive scene. Yes that can shock populations. That shouldn't mean however that competitive game play is dead. If you keep the game play the same (such as Halo 2 or Halo 3) the game it self will suffer as there is no evolution. No advancement. Instead it will get left behind and could end up spelling the end of the franchise. Now yes I agree there is such a thing as too much change too quickly. In that respect I see some faults in Halo 4, but those faults shouldn't (and to me are not) so overwhelming as to say the game isn't competitive. There are plenty of things I would love to see changed in Halo 4 but those are personal things. More over the changes that were done in Halo 4 have sprung from a new vision of Halo and where it could lead. The Bungie vision of Halo has been completed with their series of games and a new vision has sprung up and we barely have our first look at where it is going or where it could be going. I don't think, opinion right here, think that that is a reason to avoid Halo but to continue to play it. But that is a different thread entirely.
  14. Probably my SNES. The Atari and the Commodore 64 were amazing in their day but the games for the SNES outclassed them by a wide margin. Now if we were just dealing with modern games then it would be my PC.
  15. How exactly is Halo 3 dead? It is still being played, same as Reach. Both those games will be online for a while yet.
  16. I am not worried about it taken down. It happens to all online games eventually. But I doubt it will be taken down in the near future. I suspect it still has several years of life in it still.
  17. Can I just point out that we have been playing with loadouts since Halo CE... just because we were never able to customize them nor see them until Halo Reach doesnt mean they werent loadouts. Whats more is the starts that Halo 2 and Halo 3 had (such as SMG starts or BR starts) are all loadouts. They are just preset thats all. Loadouts have been around the entire time, its only now that we can customize them.
  18. There are always bad eggs who try to ruin the experience for others. Even well intentioned systems such as the ranking system will have these things, which is why I am glad it hasnt been visible. While it does need to be a bit more accurate in its matchmaking currently I dont mind that it is invisible as it cuts down on these bad eggs.
  19. A draw back I see to this is members start using their "stats" as an excuse to bully other members. Or that because they have better stats than another player it makes the "lesser" player's opinion invalid. I dont mind self promotion or competitiveness however as with any stat listing for any game there comes bad eggs who either abuse or cheat the system. Just pointing out something that should be considered.
  20. While I really dont like Halo Wars, I would put up with it to game some more with you guys.
  21. Honestly, competitive game play starts with the player. The game itself doesn't make competitive games its the player and their mindset that creates it. If you want to be competitive then be competitive. While I am a fairly relaxed player in all respects I still can be very competitive while playing as I do enjoy winning more than loosing. Thus I choose to be competitive at the game, even if I would be defined as casual by most every bodies standards. Halo 4 didn't take away and competitive game play. The players decided to take it away themselves because some do not like the features of the game itself. That's all their is too it.
  22. Umm you can create a custom gametype that forces everybody to use the same loadout. Basicly thats the same thing as you are asking for...
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