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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. I swore I wouldnt do this again as it gives me too many grey hairs but here I am yet again... Not picking on you or anything, just trying to make sure I understand your reasons for not liking the game. You seem to be stating that because they went with their new vision of Halo instead of what yours or another fans vision of what Halo is that the game is bad?
  2. If you havent played them you should pick up the Bioshock series. You can get a combo pack that includes both Bioshock and Bioshock 2 with all their DLC for like 30 bucks at a gamestop. Not sure what other stores prices will be. They have great stories and amazing gameplay. Most of the other games I would recomend have already been mentioned.
  3. Oh goody, I cant wait for my crappy skills to go on display for everybody to see.
  4. I doubt it would be. Though with out Halo's release at that time (which changed the face of FPS console gaming as we knew it) I doubt CoD or any other FPS or TPS game for that matter would be anything that resembles what they are today. The cause and effect of something like this is completely unpredictable. Would it be different, absolutely. But how different and in what way, I have no clue.
  5. Up close it is a tie to me. The Mantis stomp is fairly effective on tanks and the ability to charge and fire multiple rockets gives it a huge edge in firepower at a distance as they can launch those than pound away with the chaingun while they reload. The tanks projectiles are slow at a distance and while powerful its not a one shot on a Mantis. Requires 2 hits to bring it down. In that time the Mantis could land all 5 rockets and a full chaingun on it wiping it out quickly. Up close though because the stomp is so slow the tank has an edge in being able to fire before the Mantis recovers. That being said they will most likely destroy themselves if they do fire. With its mobility and torso twisting speed I think its got the edge to take the tank out in most any fight beyond point blank range.
  6. Dual needlers... enough said. Well ok I will say more. Dual wielding wasnt all that interesting to me really. Sure it was fun for a bit but the gameplay didnt change all that drastically. I dont particularly care if it comes back however I want it to be dynamic in some way. Something special instead of cheap combos for the easy win.
  7. Where did you hear it might take place in San Francisco?
  8. Time always matters. Just like when you see more people online during the weekends than the week days. People are busy and cant be online all the time. Being in different time zones makes all the difference in the world.
  9. I dont have a particular best map. I generally do the same on most any map and on most any mode. But I do have a beef with Vortex. I just do not get that map design. It is by far my worst map, though Shatter isnt to far off due to being on red team all the time (I think red team gets the shaft on that one).
  10. First off I just want to say, if you dont like the game thats fine. If you do like the game, even better. My request is to keep this as neutral as possible so no debating on why the game sucks or why it doesnt suck. My question to all the members is this: Do you feel the speed of the game itself has increased or decreased? To start with I will answer my own question. Personally I find the game speed has increased drastically over the years. Going back and playing H3 I felt like I was moving through banana pudding in the middle of winter when compaired to Reach and Halo 4. With the addition of sprinting (which was a good thing to me) kill times have decreased as you get to your targets faster and people not paying attention get roasted while sprinting as they cant defend themselves. Movement around the maps is swifter and you can easily do it without vehicles. All in all it makes it feel a lot swifter.
  11. I think he/she (which ever it is) is talking about the shield the Watchers put up in defense of either Crawlers or Knights. That is a shield that doesnt last nearly as long and doesnt cover everything yet allowes you to be far more mobile than the hard light shield.
  12. Well its a game I dont particularly like so I dont pay much attention to it. The score so far: VaultingFrog - 16 Virus - 5 SykoWolf - 4 SternuS - 3 Humpstyles - 2 Zaguroth - 2 GrimmGirl - 3 Winry Rockbell - 1 Director - 2 Church - 3 Sarge. - 1 Lenard Church - 1 Yoshi1176- 1 Kiing 0f Coffe - 1 Lazuli Lure - 1 Harbinger - 1 Grif. - 1 Sportan - 1 Black and blue Beaten till broken Pushed harder than all Families torn asunder Cripples Deaths Trials What comes forth No one predicted What comes forth Faith falls Bonds never broken Death never reaches Silent yet speaking Heed what we say
  13. Dill Pickle chips are my favorite. Though Sour Cream and Chedder are great too. I eat just about any chip really but those two stand out for me.
  14. Arent you a little fat for a Stormtrooper? JK JK... Just had to play off of what you said. Also cool costumes.
  15. Are you talking about the Marine that gets stabbed by the Elite in the opening cutscene to Halo Wars? Just before a glassing beam is shot down upon the area?
  16. Actually I think that was an armor effect he had. The Forerunners grasped physics beyond what humanity could understand. They manipulated physics to bend time and space itself. Who is to say his armor didnt have technology similar to that?
  17. Depends on the playlist and the map. If I am doing SWAT on Haven the BR has a bit of an edge I think (though I still go DMR because I just dont use the BR). Each has its uses.
  18. I beat it. The first half of the game on legendary (solo of course) was reasonably challenging however the second half of the campaign got easier. Mostly its a matter of knowing when to conserve ammo and when to let them have it. Work on the little guys and the Watchers first (the flying things) then you shouldnt have much of a problem. Knights only spawn one Watcher a piece so take the Watchers out and you wont have to worry about them reviving the Knights or summoning more Crawlers to fight you. With them gone it becomes a battle of attrition. Something most people can win.
  19. The demise of the Didact at the final cutscene of Halo 4?
  20. Rtas 'Vadum being yelled at by Lord Hood for glassing half of Africa.
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