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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. That would be more of gameplay reasons. I was just giving an honest opinion about why they would be allowed to do such a thing. Yes they would be able to sprint for significant distances (covered in books fairly well) but for gameplays sake they dont allow it. Also people would be crying that they are going too slow on foot if there was only one speed. Plus they do a good job creating a difference between a sprint and a regular run as sprinting doesnt allow you to use weapons. Also you can sprint the entire time with the mobility enhancement... just saying..
  2. So do many other games. There are storys out there that I dont like but which others do like (CoD for instance). Its up to the individual.
  3. I just have to say this, I play games purely for the fun of it. Doesnt matter if I win or loose as long as I am enjoying myself. Yes winning is a great bonus but it is not needed in order to have fun. I go into games all the time not caring if I win or loose. Yes I contribute towards the team winning, I always do, but I make sure that first and foremost I am enjoying my experience in the game. If I dont enjoy it then why would I play in the first place? As I said, winning/competitiveness and having fun are not the same thing. They are two different drives with two different goals. Though they are not always mutually exclusive. You can be competitive and have fun at the same time. I have no problem with that (unless you take the competitive side way to seriously). Take your NFL example. Do those players play to win, play for a pay check or play for the enjoyment of the game? That is up to the individual. Some play for just one of those things, others play for a combo of those things. Choose what suits your mindset the best. Just keep in mind that you can not speak for the reasons why other people play games...
  4. You could say that about any game really... CoD- get mission, go shoot people... Halo - have mission, go shoot aliens C&C - build base, wreak enemy base Its a rehash of the same stuff for every game with minute changes. How you decide to play the game is up to you but the over all scheme is basically the same all the time. In AC though you have a bit more wiggle room. You dont have to be super stealthy. You can be outright blunt about killing your targets, or anybody else for that matter. I personally think its the best out of the series for me so far. Its story is the most compelling for me and its gameplay is simple and pure. But that is all personal opinion (meaning everything that I wrote before this) so take what you will of it. In my experience, reviews mean nothing. They are always bias due to them being personal experiences of the reviewer on the game as well as a reflection of their personal preferences. Play the game yourself and decide on your own if you like it or not.
  5. I for one have never really gotten the hang of gametypes like this because I am a brawler when it comes to Halo. I mix it up as best I can and dish out punishment wherever I roam. I try to stick to objectives but more often than not I am left on my own by my team (which sucks most of the time). These are all interesting tips for me to work with. And yes a great start is always key. It sets the tempo for the match. The only thing I could add is a reminder not to stretch yourself beyond your limits. If you know you have 2 bases secure and are racking up points quickly, then press on the third base but dont push too hard. Make sure you keep your assets intact first and foremost. Seen a lot of games go down hill as teams press for the win and get wiped out and loose because they are rushing it. There is nothing wrong with going a full 15 minutes in a game.
  6. Twas a nice read. I agree that the Thruster pack needs some work. Either give it two uses on one charge or amp up the recharge of it. Also give it a bit more distance. I think that would round it out nicely. Its a good burst to get out of the way of something when you need to but currently it just doesnt have the distance. The Hardlight shield to me is actually useful. What I dont like about it is that it can stop heavy weapons fire from snipers and turrets. Those are heavy hitters and should shread the shield. It is powerful against turrets in a way that nothing else is. Also I think the animation for its destruction while taking fire should be changed. Instead of just turning red make parts of the shield break off or crack. Turn those spots into vulnerable spots where fire can get through. I dont mind the DMR the way it has been. Yes it is a powerful weapon but its power suits its design. Its how people use the gun in game that makes it OP. The weapon itself is fairly balanced between rate of fire, accuracy and stopping power. Should it have the range to cross map? No, not to me, but it should have a farther range than the BR. Its a good weapon just like all the other rifles out there but it can be beat. Its a first choice among equals in my book. Jumping. Now this is something I have encountered in every halo game I have ever played. People jumping to save their own skins. It is nothing new. That being said it is annoying at times. The point has been made however that we are super soldiers in Halo, unlike in CoD (of which there still is lots of jumping or hopping to save your own skin, as well as in Battlefield). More to the point we are wearing a suit of armor that mechanically enhances the players abilities. The suit keeps them jumping due to mechanical means as well as their own physical abilities. I just dont see the jumping as an issue. Its an annoyance but one that is easily overcome with steady aim.
  7. See I like the new system however there is one flaw and you pointed it out. I do think that shots like that should make those allies who are caught in the blast loose their shields at the least for a period of time and turn them into 1 shots. Then if they are killed in that period then not only does it count as a kill for the enemy team but a betrayal for the player who took down their shields. I know most if not all of you would hate this idea but I do think it would cut down on the indiscriminate shooting. Vehicles going at speed already take down allies shields when they run into you (has happend to me more times than I can count) so why not this...
  8. I wouldnt skip the first one at all. The first has one of the most compelling storylines of the entire series. It sets the foundation for the entire series and gives critical imput on future events. What I will say is that achievement hunting in the AC games can be rough as some are bloody difficult or just long to do. That might be why they are saying skip the first one.
  9. Considering you are rading military targets as well as other points of high intrest (which the "government" has control over) one would think there would be a bit more ammo around. Out in the wastes, sure no ammo. That I dont mind but in alot of the places there was just nothing of value period. No scraps to work with.
  10. I just have this to say... Azaxx your amazing. Took the rant right out of my keyboard. Glad I avoid crap like this these days.
  11. I would like to see something similar to Battlefield 2142's Titan mode in Halo. Perhaps a Covenant Corvette against a UNSC Frigate. Both teams start off on their respective vessels or directly underneath it and have to work to take down the enemy ship.
  12. My Marines didnt even last that long... Stupid crawlers would wipe them out before they got to the door...
  13. Oh I am all for difficulty but its not the added health to enemies that I have issue with. They start out with really really nasty weapons right away while I am stuck with my can opener for a weapon. Not exactly a balanced start to the game and it continues throughout that game. Dont know about you but I had trouble surviving any fight up until half way through the game. Ammo is sparse and enemies are bloody evil with their weapons. I dont mind stuff like that on higher difficulties. It should be like that the harder the difficulty you choose. However it is even like that for lower difficulties, which doesnt make sense to me. I found little to no difference in combat between Very Hard and Easy. Enemies were just as accurate and took a huge amount of damage. Suffice to say, we differ on what is difficult and what is not.
  14. Toughest achievement for me to get... hmmm... Thats a tough one, let me get back to you on it.
  15. Not a big fan of any of those modes to be honest...
  16. I hope its not like New Vegas... I want to keep playing with my character after beating the game. Also the combat was overhauled in New Vegas making you so bloody vulnerable right away. Not cool....
  17. Way to go spam bot... Breaking the mood of the thread... Anywho beyond the wonderful post quoted above I have this to say... Indeed Doc, indeed you should be grey/silver. Edit: Ok spam bot removed...
  18. So where is the confirmation that the Didact is alive?
  19. I recognize the low numbers on H4. However I dont see that as a failure on their part, rather its just personal choices about games for individual players. They took a shot in the dark, so to speak, with the direction of Halo 4. I personally think it is a great direction to be heading towards. Others dont, it is what it is. They can not force players to play the game online. It just doesnt happen. And considering the releases done around the same time, as well as the upcomming releases I am not suprised to see low numbers. Too many games way too fast. Also the holidays didnt help with the numbers either. Perhaps the players are down for their idea of what the core of Halo is. Many people (seen several on this forum) seem to think (observation not actual fact) that the MP is the core of the game and that it requires a ranking system. That to me is wrong. The compelling story is the core of the game. That to me is what makes Halo, well Halo. Halo CE still tops my charts due to its story. Its MP is second to none, and it doesnt have a ranking system. To refuse any sort of competition due to the lack of a visible ranking system is kind of stupid to me. You can find competition anywhere on the play lists. Its up to the individual players to recognize this, of which it seems many dont due to them being so used to a visible ranking system. That being said, it is up to players like us to continue to play online. I know I will as I actually enjoy it the way it is.
  20. Umm you cant jack a Scarab on skirmish mode.... Says so in the manual... The only place you can jack a Scarab is in the campaign and only on one mission.
  21. Get a life!!! JK JK Congratz Twam. Your hard work is impressive. Thanks for making this a great site.
  22. I have to say the one time I was on H3 in a party it was all rage and hate towards me as I didnt have an online game prior to that... not a great first experience. Needless to say I didnt play.
  23. All I can say is going from H4 back to Reach, I became really really bad at Reach. Its just going from one style of Halo game to another that is throwing you off. Give it a bit of time and it will come back to you.
  24. I miss the days of a 4 way splitscreen and having 4 XBOX's in the house for some epic LAN parties....
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