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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. Nope I am too broke to afford a new console.
  2. I enjoy getting the 100% on my games but for the most part I choose not to. Mostly because I rarely do MP (have only really done ME3 and H4 online) so I skip out on many achievements.
  3. Having a military like ours is a privilage. If we didnt have one then where would our country be in the first place? The nation was born out of fire and blood spilt on behalf of others who either couldnt or shouldnt fight. You should feel no shame in wearing the uniform. No service man should ever feel that way. All I think you should feel is pride. You put forth more than most anybody in this country to keep us going. I would serve if I could however I am medically unable to enlist (already tried). As for the guy who you ran into, well everybody is entitled to their own opinions... however he never should have blown up at you or your friends in public like that. I dont agree with his opinion but you should remind yourself that its because of people like you that enable him to have the freedom to have his own opinions.
  4. Unfortunately there will always be griefers. There is nothing 343i can do about it. Even with a booting system they will still grief. Its how they decide to play their game.
  5. Meh, I dont particularly care if they update anything. I just play to hang out.
  6. He seemed like a chump to me.
  7. NCIS (not the LA one that one is crap). How could I pass up a chance at watching Ducky and Abby having fun?
  8. Plasma is just ionized gas. Doesnt actually split the atom per say. In any case it still is the incorrect answer.
  9. Nope. Plasma doesnt split an atom does it? BTW my shadow is following me again.
  10. Nope thats almost a step back but the Reach part is right. This thing doesnt appear in any of the games BTW.
  11. Nope, that was a stripped down nuke. Mine is different. And its not in Halo 4
  12. I am not sure how this works... Are we talking about the top 12 that came out in 2012 or the 12 that we played (release date doesnt matter)?
  13. Ok fine I will do the new riddle. Atoms part Crowds cheer Games past brought to the future To consume evil creature Physics defying Contained but unleashed Saving last hope Futile dreams become No crowd left to see What becomes of me The score so far: VaultingFrog - 15 Virus - 5 SykoWolf - 4 SternuS - 3 Humpstyles - 2 Zaguroth - 2 GrimmGirl - 3 Winry Rockbell - 1 Director - 2 Church - 2 Sarge. - 1 Lenard Church - 1 Yoshi1176- 1 Kiing 0f Coffe - 1 Lazuli Lure - 1 Harbinger - 1 Grif. - 1
  14. I wonder how many shoutouts I am going to get... I am still suprised that you all think that highly of me. I just hang out. But it is welcome all the same. Congratulations again Sarge. Welcome to Silver... (not as cool as welcome to red but it will have to do)
  15. One can never pick up a chick with a tank. At the least your going to get two if not three. Chicks are like Voltron, the more you hook up the better it is.
  16. I am not angry towards any mod or admin. I dont know what happened, nor do I care. Its not my business and I want no part of it. I just dont see the point in participating in much of anything on these forums anymore. Things seem to have taken a turn for the worse in my eyes and there isnt anything I can do about it. I am sticking around to observe but thats where it stops at this point.
  17. They are very different. The suppressed SMG is not only... suppressed... but it comes with a scope for longer range combat. It is more accurate while still having the same rate of fire. Since it is suppressed it is good for steath missions. All of which makes the suppressed SMG superior to the AR or the regular SMG to me.
  18. Are we talking the Suppressed SMG of ODST or the plain SMG of Halo 3?
  19. Reconize and respect others opinions and leave it at that.
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