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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. I am a big RTS fan. I can say that in my opinion Halo Wars is arguably the best RTS on a console. However that doesnt mean much as RTS games on consoles are not all that good to begin with. The controls are very limited when compaired to a PC RTS. It is very sluggish to me. I prefer not to have any console RTS games period as they just cant match the depth a PC can give an RTS in terms of control. Also for me the story was unbarable. I couldnt stand it. The acting was poor to me and the cutscenes were just aweful to me. The missions were uninteresting. I actually had to stop playing it because I found its gameplay to be so bad. I have yet to make it through its campaign and currently I am forcing myself to go through it one mission at a time. It is painful for me to be honest to try and do this. Keep in mind this is my opinion and nothing more. If you are interested in a game you should pick it up and play it for yourself. Dont let reviews or anybody else tell you what is a good game and what isnt. Decide for yourself.
  2. What exactly is there to discuss? You have stated your opinion nothing more (one which I strongly disagree with). I am keeping this responce short as I have no wish to really post anything more on this subject other than these three things: 1: You did not have to put this topic title into all caps. Those kinds of threads are frowned upon (at least by me). 2: While it is your opinion and I respect it, you should respect others opinions about the game as well. Many of us enjoy Halo 4 and like the direction it is being taken. Its a new series and deserves to be different. Next time I would suggest that you refrain from posting your opinion as fact. It is difficult to do for all of us at times (including myself) but should always be considered. 3: This is a community site, not an official 303i site. Please keep that in mind.
  3. Which is another reason why I am stepping back and staying in the shadows of the forums. Dont particularly want to interact at this point.
  4. Adapt this for Halo to put the Mammoth in.
  5. I prefer having them already unlocked however I think you should be able to find them in the game as easter eggs that give amped up abilities. Collections of the skulls on your utility belt which improve your speed or melee or some other stat (each skull providing a bonus for a different stat) making you just a bit better. The skulls then should be visible in cutscenes.
  6. Which is why I am going to observe instead of post am I will be happier for it.
  7. Changing weapon mechanics, gametype mechanics among most of the requests. And thats your opinion on what is skillful and what isnt. Ever consider that maybe they arent randomly doing a spray and pray but outgunning you flat out? Perhaps using a stratagy that is superior to yours?
  8. Ok I am really starting to get tired of this... MLG is not the only skill based gameplay out there. ALL gameplay is skillful. Get over it. You can find competitive play in any playlist. It is your personal actions and preferences that allow you to either experience this or ignore it. Also the game shouldnt have to change for MLG. MLG should be changing for the game. All the suggestions to "improve" the game basicly revert it back to either Halo 2 or Halo 3 gameplay. I see no point in that however. If you want to play in the style of Halo 2 or 3 then play those games. Halo 4 is a new game that is supposed to be different from those two games. If MLG cant accept this then they are only limiting themselves because they refuse to grow and change with each new game. Anywho, that part of this rant is done. I will save it for elsewhere. My point is stop trying to claim that the playlists require no skill. Every playlist does.
  9. If people didnt notice, when buying the Limited Edition they state that it is "early access" to new specializations... That means they will be available to everybody at some point in the future...
  10. What is, is. What does, does. Now give my my freeking cheese and be on your way.
  11. Impressive... Most Impressive.... Let the Dedicated flow through you!!! BTW HK-47 would like to call you a dedicated meatbag. Oh and BTW congratulations. Well earned. Plus thanks for the shoutout. Didnt think I would make that many shoutouts. :hug:
  12. Not trying to bash this person. Just want to know why they think that John looks like a Promethean. I am not making the connection. Helps to have their point of view explained.
  13. I tried checking this theory out, and even while drunk I dont see the resemblence. Am I missing something? I just dont understand the connection here. Perhaps explain why you think he looked like a Promethean.
  14. Apparently nobody knows what Titan mode is from Battlefield 2142...
  15. Vaulting♥Frog


    Better late than never. Welcome in any case.
  16. I need a new sig. Artist: Give a shot at it both of you Insignia and Brony Classification: Signature Format: Static image Image: http://www.google.co...80&tx=115&ty=60 Size: Default Style: Dark, gloomy yet with a ray of hope in the distance Colors: Any that suits your mood and style Text: VaultingFrog Death reaches all
  17. Sounds like Titan mode from Battlefield 2142
  18. I just saw this. You dont have to worry about not logging on. Your family comes first dude.
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