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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. Hey you forgot to add in my bottle of scotch to the poll
  2. @Coldfreeze (I am using a crappy browser by force so I cant quote) Oh I know there are issues with Destiny. There is plenty I wish they could have changed as far as the DLC and what have you. I am still impressed however that they have a working game for 4 separate systems at launch which has a good amount of content to it to begin with. The exclusive stuff I am cool with, with the exception of the length of time they are exclusive. Personally I think that if Sony wanted exclusives and paid for them then either they shouldn't ever be released to the XBOX or make it a 6 month exclusive. The first choice is simply because there is no hope of those items (which really aren't that big a deal) being given out, the second because it is a good enough period of time to enjoy them exclusively while still not making people wait forever. Though I do think that the exclusive strikes are a huge issue. Those shouldn't ever be exclusive. Anywho it is just a small segment of my thoughts on Destiny. I still don't think it would warrant a "worst game of 2014" award. Doesn't mean it is an outstanding game either. Just an enjoyable one.
  3. I am sad with all the hate on Destiny. Sure it isn't the greatest game out there, I wouldn't be the first to admit that. However it isn't that bad of a game either. It has quite a bit of content (compared to other FPS games) and can be quite enjoyable (to me at least). It isn't game of the year material but definitely doesn't deserve to be on a worst games list. Perhaps disappointing but not worst.
  4. So your proof is some random person's opinion from a youtube video. Strong proof there. I hope you can detect the sarcasm in those statements. You have shown nothing but opinions, of which are only applied to the person giving them. Please stop trying to enforce them as fact. I have no more time to waste upon this subject as clearly you are not willing to grasp the concept of an opinion. And that is fine. You can argue about it till you are blue in the face if you want. It does not change that you are only arguing an opinion, which quite frankly I don't think has any basis in reality at this point. I am finding that this is boiling down to a perceived "decline" in Halo by you because you are unhappy with a product. Simply put, if you are not happy with the product then don't use said product. Your unhappiness does not mean the product is broken or unenjoyable by others. I think that is a clear enough statement for you. On a side note your little sideshow of Phoenix Wright ran its course quite some time ago and in all honesty is just annoying. Now then as I stated above, I have no inclination to waste anymore of my time with this topic. Enjoy arguing with yourself.
  5. One would think that if you are assassinating somebody you are wanting to do it quietly... So I just don't understand this firearm business that people want for their assassinations.
  6. Why would they ruin a perfectly good movie with a TV series like this??? JUST WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
  7. It honestly depends on the game. If we are talking Halo CE then I am all about the Assault Rifle. Great weapon that thing is. As far as Halo 2-3 I really don't care as the Flood didn't entertain me in the slightest in those games. I honestly (no joking here) had a better time jumping off the map to kill myself then I did going up against them. Its not that they were difficult (far from it) but they just brought nothing to the table for me. They had no value in the game for me. But if forced then I suppose I would have to do the dual needlers in Halo 2 and I guess a plasma rifle in Halo 3.
  8. So when did I sign over my rights to you so that you could speak for me? I don't recall this at all. Think before you post something that is speaking for others. Perhaps you should amend your post and make it clear that is your opinion and only your opinion. I for one am insulted at the arrogance forum users have in speaking for another person with out consent. Now then, why should I listen to some arbitrary person about a game? The term "pro" means little to me. I wouldn't want to play they way they play their games period. It lacks everything I enjoy and then some. Also you make no sense to me. You would rather they up the base player speed so that we are basically sprinting but you don't want sprint in the game? I don't get it. Perhaps it is more of a frustration to you that you actually have to toggle something in the game for an action, I don't know.
  9. I am sorry but I do take issue with one thing. You say that they blew off "competitive players" with Halo 4. I disagree with this statement beyond existence. So called "competitive players" blew Halo 4 off on their own. Playing the game competitively is a choice. I choose to play competitively, I want to win. I desire to go "all out" in my games. It is a state of mind. Halo 4 could have, and was plenty competitive. People chose to ignore it because it wasn't the same kind of competition as older games, nor should it have been (at least in my opinion). That is the players fault, not the games. One can play any game competitively if they so choose. To me players were so hung up on what Halo 2 and Halo 3 were like in their multiplayer that they couldn't move beyond it. Anything that was different needed to be shunned. Heck Halo Reach took some major blows because it was different. This "stubbornness" to me is the real issue. A lot of it is ego driven (Ohh big man, you were a 50 in snipers!!! Big deal) and nonsensical. I would rather they stop knocking CoD for its "unchanging gameplay" and just admit that that particular "feature" is what they want for Halo as well. As far as a business model goes towards attracting new customers, I think Microsoft and 343i are making the smart choice. Gamers who grew up on Halo from way back when are now mostly adults with significant responsibilities to deal with now. Such as paying bills, working and their own children. I know I don't have nearly the amount of time to devote to gaming as I used to. Targeting new markets fills in that gap where older groups of gamers are no longer able to participate. It is a smart and practical business move that allows them to continue making profits and still produce games of artistic quality. People will always disagree on what "Halo" is or isn't. That is just the way people are. I suggest that people just be happy they are getting a product in the first place. Gaming is a luxury, one that not a lot of people have. Enjoy the product for what it is.
  10. I would rather get paper cuts in unmentionable places than deal with the Flood again. I have stated multiple times that in my opinion the Flood never should have continued after Halo CE. I seriously hope they don't ever bring that crap back into the game as, for me at least, it made playing the game a chore. It wasn't enjoyable in the slightest. However I also realize that it is only my opinion which means absolutely nothing outside of my own thoughts. They probably will bring them back as a fan service (terrible reason). That right there would be a game breaker for me. If they are around again then I definitely wont be purchasing any of the future games.
  11. I am not sure that is what she is arguing. I am thinking that she is just showing a preference towards Halo CEA because it plays the same, with the same storyline and everything (basically equal in every respect) only now with updated graphics. One could decide that if there were reproductions of a game, lets say Assassin's Creed (the original) that performed the same in every manor except with updated graphics, one could quite possibly decide they prefer the updated graphical version. Does that make sense with you?
  12. Since I cant afford so many games each year I suppose this will have to do. I haven't played any of them so why not, good list.
  13. It would be wonderful to never see the Flood again, but I doubt that will happen. I am hoping they expand upon the Forerunner/Human war and perhaps even find a group of Forerunners out there who have survived either on the fringe of the far side of the galaxy or out in dark space. Those survivors end up joining up with humanity. I think that would be cool. As far as multiplayer I really don't care for it so it is a giant whatever from me.
  14. Even zombies need a good stiff drink every now and then. Scotch is Mafia Boss 10.0!
  15. Scotch is still Mafia Boss....
  16. I am surprised that Burial at Sea Episode 2 made it on there, but it is well deserved. Bioshock is one of my favorite series of all time. As for the rest, well I cant say I have played them (too poor) but if you enjoyed them then all the more power to you.
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