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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. 1: Welcome to the community. Enjoy your stay here. 2: You should have posted this kind of stuff in the General Discussion section of Halo 4. But its cool for an intro I suppose.
  2. I like the dirtier, devolved look they have. Something far more savage to reflect their beliefs.
  3. Oh no you mean your not completing challenges? What ever shall we do? Seriously the challenges are optional. You dont have to do them. Use your DMR or BR and stop crying about it. The only "scrub" I see here (I really really hate the name calling) is you comming on here crying about it. People use whatever weapon they are comfortable with. Get over your ego.
  4. Nope. It was the weekly challenge. I completed it on the playdate... now it is reset for me to do all over again.
  5. I wasnt complaining. Just making sure my game didnt glitch or anything. Thats all.
  6. I dont care if the Flood were actually wiped out in Halo 3 or not. I dont think they deserve to be in this series. I would rather it keep the focus on the Forerunners. In a later series they can comeback. I would be cool with that, but for now let them stay away.
  7. I had completed the weekly challenge with the AR already, yet when I logged in today it was completely reset. Last night it read challenge completed and now I have the option to do it all over again. Has this happend to anybody else?
  8. You both deserve that for trying to implement an Assassins Creed character in here.... It is way too OP
  9. No I was thinking something a bit more creepy. Like being out on a mission and these projections keep happening during the mission. No training sims. Just active combat. Would add a creepyness to it plus might give some insight into the first Human Forerunner war.
  10. If you cant tell I am not utterly heartbroken that this is still in testing.... And did I say it came out in November? I dont think so.
  11. Did this really need an all caps title? Also did you need to post it in two different areas of the forums? They are exact duplicates... But on another note, there you go MLG people you have a playlist. Happy now?
  12. I do believe I killed this thread...
  13. I just want to see more variations of the Prometheans. I think the set of 3 we got in Halo 4 were solid and shouldnt change much but we should see some heavy assault types as well as vehicle types.
  14. Liara always looked amazing. Ashley in ME1 and 2 looked so bad. Like plastic surgury gone wrong. The guys werent something I looked at so I suppose they looked just fine (hard to screw that up I suppose). Miranda, Jack, Samara, Liara, Katsumi, Kelly and Gabbie (or is it Y I dont remember) all looked great in ME2. Finally in ME3 Ashley caught up, and in a very very good way.
  15. I prefer longer games. More satsifaction at the end when I come out on top. I hate going through matches like applejuice goes through my digestive system. Its just not fun that way. Quality games over quantity.
  16. Define competitive. I personally find the gameplay as it stands in every playlist to be competitive. Each individual player has opportunities to make it a successful game for themselves through teamwork and their own skill sets. Plenty of customization (though the armor could use some actual value like stat boosts) to help conform it to your personal playstyles. You can be just as competitive at Halo 4 as you can be at any other game. What is sad is that many people refuse to because they can not get over the older style gameplay. I for one like having new gameplay and new games. If I wanted to play in the same manor as Halo 2 or Halo 3 I would play those games. Simple as that. Its a new game, change yourself and change MLG to suit it, not the other way around.
  17. I honestly have rarely had this happen to me from either end... I am either lucky or your the worst group of bad luck players I have ever seen.
  18. People are going to grief no matter what. Its what they want to do in the game so they will find a way to do it. I just do my best to ignore it.
  19. Because they system they designed apparently doesnt support having them all up for matchmaking. Which I agree with. Otherwise people would be so spread out that you would never find a match for each chapter.
  20. You have to select the missions from the other episodes yourself. They rotate through the playlist episode by episode. At least until the next part of Spartan Ops comes out
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