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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. 1: The swearing isnt needed 2: I think that most of the MLG wannabes would agree with you not disagree 3: Paragraphs dude, makes a much easier read 4: Sorry you didnt enjoy the game.
  2. So are you saying he is wearing girls underware or has never slept with a girl? I am confused...
  3. Spartan Red Team dropping onto Reach to defend the Super MAC reactors
  4. Ok so my idea just a bit more developed: I have not considered this for campaign. I was thinking more of a seperate section for these fights kind of like Spartan Ops. But I suppose it could be fitted in some how (though campaigns are scripted in their results). What I was thinking of was a global fight over Requiem between the UNSC, Storm Covenant and the Prometheans. There would be individual battle areas that you could choose from. Battle zones if you will. Each contains different maps and challenges to over come. Some times having the UNSC against just the Covenant or the Prometheans and others where its the UNSC vs everybody at the same time. Those are determined by player success in previous games. Each battle zone has a control percentage. The higher the percentage the UNSC has the better weapons and allies you will have within the battle itself. The lower (and it lowers at an increased rate when more people are playing) it is the worse off you start in the fight. Controlling particular areas allows the UNSC special privilages such as unique weapons and or armor perks. With in each battle there will be multiple objectives that come up at once. Examples: Battle 1: Take hills 1-3 while defending your own static base. Also secure Forerunner cargo for transport back to UNS Infinity. Next orders: Snipers are taking out our men, neutralize them. Position A is being over run, move to reinforce. (Same time) Assault enemy base to draw fire for tanks to get into position. Stuff like that would force players to choose between objectives. Each completed objective helps your forces along on the way to victory. Each objective you fail at (and you can fail all the objectives) brings your forces closer to total defeat. Also completing the objectives can provide much needed weapons or reinforcements as well as cut enemy vehicles or infantry off from reinforcing their lines. Failed objectives do the opposite. If you fail one you loose troopers and equipment. Parts of the battlefield are inaccessable until you retake that area. Upon result of said battle you are given a screen that rates your overall performance. This is based off of your K/D, allied survival rate, objectives completed and objectives failed as well as total victory and total defeat. This rating is then put into a pool that averages this all out and applies it to the control percentage for that area. This mode I think should be played in 4 player co-op to be its best but could allow for larger teams (no more than 8 though). Also should be able to solo it (if your good enough). The AI in this mode would be most likely at Heroic but should be allowed to be changed to Legendary. The upgrade in difficulty also provides bigger rewards in completed objectives and bigger penalties for failing objectives. Also will affect your performance rating at the end and provide either a bigger boost to the area control or bring it down faster. I feel it shouldnt drop below Heroic difficulty however. Hope that clarifies some things for everybody on my idea.
  5. Listen to what part of the community? A small section of players who want to brag about how "good" they are or how they got "L337 Sk1LLz"? Seriously MLG is not the majority. If you dont like the game play dont play the game simple as that.
  6. Welcome to our community. I hope you enjoy your stay. If you need something or have a question feel free to send me a message.
  7. I would love to have more full blown battles where if you miss objectives (such as taking a hill in one area) it affect the flow of the fight. More AI allies and hordes of enemies. You have to pick and choose objectives based upon party size and personal preference to change the course of the fight. Then be rated on how you did. Ratings would include survival rate of friendly forces, your K/D ratio, objectives completed to objectives failed.
  8. I only do that in customs when FF is off. Otherwise I believe it does kill your teammates. But I do attach it to friendly mongooses and blow it once my buddy reaches the other side of the map and gets off. Makes a big boom and sends the mongoose out for a splatter (got a few this way).
  9. I have to say the sticky detonator. I can stick it to a pal and let them wade into fire. Then blow it up and kill things around them. That and it allowes to set great ambushes.
  10. Dont knock people when your grammar and punctuation are just as bad... Also the Elites in Halo 4 are a splinter group from the Covenant. They are a radical group with the old ideology that the Forerunners are gods and they plan to join them.
  11. Not really. I would rather have a SkyHawk in the game instead of either the Falcon or Hornet. That was an awesome vehicle.
  12. A digital number representing a rank within a game means nothing within the real world...
  13. I have a 0.83 K/D and a positive win ratio...
  14. This is tough for me. I didnt play a whole lot of XBOX games when it came out...
  15. Welcome to our community. You mentioned cheese... I like cheese... I like cheese alot. I must have cheese!
  16. I could put so much more into it but right now I am wiped out. Too tired to think straight and come up with something really good.
  17. Name: Nyx Rahl Age: 25 Looks: Salt and pepper style hair, short as well. 6ft 1 inch tall. 190lbs. Lightly tanned white skin. Scar running down from right eye to corner of right jaw, cause unknown. Ice blue eyes with gold around the pupil. Rank: Classified Personality: Cold and unyielding. Calculated in every move. Yet has a soft spot for children. Prefers to work alone. Orders are accepted with in reason. Pushes their boundries when in conflict with personal preferences but always gets the job done. Background: Born in the artic Nyx's first day was in total darkness. Parents died of unknown cause though it is suspected they were murdered. Orphaned and haunted with nightmares of his parents shreaded remains he distanced himself from anybody else around him. Enlisting in the UNSC at 16 (lied on his application) he was quickly singled out for solo actions. Noted for his bravery in the line of fire and for saving UNSC troopers from death on multiple occasions he quickly ran through the ranks. Every attempt however to put him into a squad of special forces troopers has failed to date. All teammates end up dead due to missions or asking for transfers due to Nyx's coldness. Picked by ONI for select missions soon after his 3rd tour in the outer colonies on interdiction ops he went off the radar. Only known as a Ghost by those in ONI Nyx is selected for brutal solo missions in deep space. Rank is currently unknown but when encountered by any member of the UNSC below Lord Hood he is given complete access to any and all materials. Currently suspected to be attached to UNSC Infinity but purpose is unknown if said attachment is true. Weapons of choice: Kukri Knife, suppressed .45 Colt semi automatic pistol (antique handed down through family), Titanium A knuckle spikes (attached to armored gauntlet)
  18. I dont use Skype but it would be fun to listen to.
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