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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. Honestly I would either copy and paste it into a new thread in that section or PM a mod who is on and ask them to move it for you.
  2. 1: Welcome to the community. Its always a pleasure to have new members. 2: You should post this in the General Discussion section of the forums as that is where it will get the most attention and is most approprate.
  3. You have far more talent that I ever will and I can only see you getting better and better. Looks good so far.
  4. I am down for this. CapToenail24 I dont like to host I have no friends but you guys...
  5. I feel your pain. I am about as good as wet tissue paper against most everybody on that list. But still was a heck of alot of fun.
  6. Considering I have been scanning the forums I should have seen this sooner. Congrats Syko. You earned it. Been a blast chatting with you in the shoutbox all month.
  7. Dude... this sucks. I hope you at least are able to stop in every once and a while just to say hi....
  8. You forgot me.... Edit: Now that you edited me in I give it a hug... oh wait AD got rid of those lol Woot amazing games dudes and dudettes
  9. I out AR the DMR and BR people all the time...
  10. Made me smile again just like when I first saw it last night.
  11. You stated in the shoutbox not moments ago that you were putting in facts in this thread, yet your entire posts are pure opinion. You state that it is easy to take out players using the binary rifle while they are driving. That is for you and you alone. I dont find it easy at all. You have been stating nothing but opinions here so far, not facts. So again, this is a battle of opinions. No side is correct nor incorrect.
  12. I see you declined to quote me... Also I dont know what BTB game your playing but they have very specific spawn areas for Red and Blue teams. The Red team has to run to the tank in order to get it. They spawn on the far side of a wall from it...
  13. Just the past few days, but I do direct traffic and help to keep the spam down.
  14. Hey I chip in too....
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