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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. Considering the only thing you see is his eyes I dont see how it can be that big of a deal...
  2. I guess I never noticed them using Plasma pistols...
  3. 1: Welcome to our community 2: As has been said before, there is not the place to be asking about the Flood. You should head to the general dissussion section of the forums.
  4. Sweet a French guy. Awesome. Welcome to the forums.
  5. Welcome to our humble community.
  6. Welcome to our humble community. I truly hope you enjoy your time here. If you have any questions feel free to send me a message. I will do what I can to help as will any other member on here.
  7. Thanks for the negativity. I for one found the game awesome from the start...
  8. Nope your not alone but I am not part of that group. My list is thus: 1: Halo CE 2: Halo 3 ODST 3: Halo 4 4: Halo 2 5: Halo Reach 6: Halo 3 7: Halo Wars... (I cant stand this game)
  9. Considering that 343i said it was only "early access" to those specializations I am sure everybody will get them in the future...
  10. You have to work fast. Once you get their shields down they cant teleport away. Keep in mind the instant their shields regenerate they gain that ability again.
  11. You have to guess the previous riddle first in order for your riddle to count.
  12. So in otherwords your saying he got Composed. Because thats the transfer of organic matter into digital form...
  13. You are the best Zelda :hug:
  14. I dont mind a negative post now and again, however from you and several other members the vast majority of your posts are negative. I am all for people having a problem with the game but when the majority of your posts and threads are about negative aspects you find in the game then clearly your not enjoying the game at all. In such a case why bother playing it if you do not enjoy it? Are games not ment to be entertainment? If that is the case and you find that the game is not enjoyable then why come onto a community forum for fans of the game and constantly post negative things about it? Why flame people who enjoy the game and are having fun talking about it with others on the site? That is the problem I see with you and several others. No I am not trying to flame you or insult you. Just wondering why you and the others continue to post about and play a game you obviously can not stand.
  15. I am not comming to anybodies aid. People can handle themselves on here. If they needed help a moderator would have stepped in. I am stating an observation I have had of you and several others on this site that constantly post negative things about the game. Nothing more and nothing less.
  16. Doesn't seem like thats the case since you have repeatedly mocked and or "flamed" others who have opinions like mine about the game in every thread you have posted in. This includes several people who are in this thread who constantly post hate messages or threads about this game. If you clearly do not enjoy this game then why bother playing it at all? And if your not playing it then why bother comming onto a fan community forum to complain about it? The people who are here enjoy playing Halo 4 yet you and others like you insult us by calling us "BK" or "fanboys" because we have different opinions than your own. I suggest that you and the others I have spoken of just leave this site as that kind of negativity doesn't produce any results that benefit the game and is detrimental to many other forum users stay here.
  17. Look for the red button to your right. Press it once and only once... otherwise we all die a death most foul. A crawler?
  18. I dont view it as a problem at all. But thats my personal views. I dont take games seriously as they are just that games... The sun still rises the next day, the world isnt over if I lost a match. It matters not in the long run or even in the short term.
  19. I thought I had, my appologies. I shall amend my posts to state as such.
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