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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. I would give it a rating but I refuse to support a game series that turns terrorist airport shootings into entertainment...
  2. While I like cookies I still wont take one. Its not that I am showing "fanboyism" its a personal preference. Just as you have personal preferences of your own (whatever they may be). I prefer Mass Effect on the console instead of PC because the controls feel better on the console. Its all in its design. One could make the arguement that if a game is designed "properly" they CAN work on any platform. Its up to the developer to do so, and in this case (as well as any other RTS cases on consoles) I feel they failed in the worst possible way. Also you could have said that about any "argument" which involves personal opinion as personal opinions are only correct for the person who has that opinion. Wasnt using logic, just stating a personal opinion.. Good gravy dude did you not realize that I was stating a personal opinion? I thought I made that clear...
  3. I have no idea when and or if Grifball will be in Halo 4. As for the rest of it, its just because H4 is full of win.
  4. 1: Mass Effect 3 2: Dishonored 3: Tie between Assassins Creed III and Halo 4
  5. I have heard of it and it still was aweful compared to the PC variants of RTS games. Also Star Fox 64... enough said. Your not going to change my mind on this Director. Consoles and RTS games do not get along.
  6. Honestly at this point I just dont care about your woes while playing. So what you were thrown into 4 loosing games. Crap happens. If you cant handle loosing then you shouldnt play period. I play because I enjoy it, win or loose. Mechanics are solid and maps are fun. Any game type is fun for me. Yes I have been tossed into my share of loosing matches, big freeking deal. I get tossed into winning matches also. Doesnt matter.
  7. Oh I dont have a problem with the units. I have a problem with the controls. It is so limited in what you can and cannot do. Consoles are just inferior when it comes to RTS gaming. You have far better micromanaging skills on a PC than on the console. Thus as an RTS (to me) it failed just like every other RTS on consoles out there. Also I really really didnt like the story. I bought it and suffered through I think the first 4 or 5 missions and I just couldnt play it anymore. The storyline was not compelling what so ever to me and the gameplay was horrid at best. Yes Halo was originally slated to be an RTS. Yes it could have been great however they chose the wrong platform for an RTS. That is why I say it was bad. Personal opinion not fact, but still valid I think.
  8. 1: I would think so as they release more specializations 2: In all probability yes they will be out for free eventually.
  9. I thought the ending suited the game. It opens up so many new directions for Halo 5.
  10. I dont know, looks fine to me. I can read it perfectly. Perhaps its your theme that makes it hard to read?
  11. I play with a mic but nobody seems to listen anyways. If I ever see you in game you will hear my voice. Normally I am doing call outs on the enemy team.
  12. I want to have a weapon that shoots midgets at the Covenant...
  13. Its ok I am a meatshield you can have my kills (if there are any)
  14. Honestly I have to say it was 3rd best for me... I prefer CE first than ODST... I am wierd.
  15. Its only true to you. Your posting opinions nothing more. Good gravy dude are you actually serious about this comment?
  16. I dont buy into the aniversery editions. I already own the original game why buy a copy of it?
  17. I took out a hog with a pulse grenade. Drove right over it as it detonated and boom! Was completely random.
  18. Thanks for the unwarrented insult. If you want to toss insults around you found the wrong forum. I just pointed out that you provided no actual data to support your claims of statistics. Unless you can provide certified statistics (that means link them to a creditable source) your post really ment nothing.
  19. 90% of statistics that are posted are made up on the spot 75% of the time.... See what I did there?
  20. Welcome to the humble community. We are a friendly bunch. If you have questions feel free to ask.
  21. I prefer a nice dinner of duck or goose and a few glasses of fine wine....
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