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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. You need a download code for that helmet. Buy one off ebay.
  2. Dude chill the language. I posted a translation....
  3. Correct. VaultingFrog - 10 Virus - 5 SykoWolf - 4 Humpstyles - 2 Zaguroth - 2 SternuS - 2 Winry Rockbell - 1 Director - 1 Church - 1 Sarge. - 1 Lenard Church - 1 Yoshi1176- 1 Kiing 0f Coffe - 1 GrimmGirl - 1
  4. Childhood lost Robbed and stolen Mission for me One which I was chosen Voice lost Survive did I All I have left Tears I cry VaultingFrog - 10 Virus - 5 SykoWolf - 4 Humpstyles - 2 Zaguroth - 2 SternuS - 2 Winry Rockbell - 1 Director - 1 Church - 1 Sarge. - 1 Lenard Church - 1 Yoshi1176- 1 Kiing 0f Coffe - 1
  5. I have played this style on a different map and that was worth it. It can be fun just got to find the right map for it.
  6. For me I am all about the default controls. I am to lazy to play with any other setup.
  7. Its not an actual enemy but I would like to see spectral images of ancient humans slugging it out with ancient Forerunners in tandum with your fights.
  8. I am honored to be on this list and I will continue to be around if you need me.
  9. Welcome to the community. If you have any cheese please deposit it now for...... safe keeping...... (yeah I think they will buy that)....
  10. It is natural for games in the game genre to be similar to each other. RTS games are very similar in a lot of respects but that doesnt make them the same game. This Halo is definately a Halo game, just has a different feel to it than the others. What that feeling is is up to you as thats a personal opinion. To me I like the direction it went in.
  11. Only Winry knows what I look like and I think I will keep it that way. I mostly just wanted to show off my niece in that pic anyways.
  12. Ranks and K/D are over rated in my opinion anyways. Play the game because you enjoy it.
  13. Meh the maps are just that. Maps. I dont mind them, and I do play them when I get on but I also play other lists.
  14. Ha me wise. If only my brother could see that... But I will take it anyways.
  15. I want a MP experience kind of like Spartan Ops where you can fight a pitched battle but you can pick and choose which objectives to go after (like defend AA tower 1 and let bunker C fall) and depending on your choices you either win by a land slide or fail utterly. Controlling the flow of battle like that would be epic and each time you do it it can play out differently as you can choose different objectives or try to get them all.
  16. Here let me highlight it for you.... Read the highlighted and colored text please from your original post. Perhaps you might gain some understanding.
  17. Thank you for the assumption of why I do and dont buy my games. I buy for story period. MP has never been a thing I have enjoyed until recently and even now it is something I can live without. I am not a big fan of it but it can be enjoyable for short periods. Again thank you for being arrogent enough to speak for me when clearly I dont know my own preferences...
  18. Indeed welcome. Enjoy your stay.
  19. I wasnt actually aware I could be rated on my profile...
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