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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. Personally to me it depends on the storyline. In Halo 2, 3 and Reach there (to me) wasn't too much of a reason to play as them but it is a giant whatever for me. If they come back then they come back. If they don't then they don't. But if they do I hope it is for a better reason than just fan service.
  2. I hate you You hate me Barbie stole my TV Went to the store Bought a .44 No more purple dinosaur
  3. Scotch is Mafia Boss 9.0. That is all.
  4. Considering how quiet I have been this past year I am surprised I made that list. Still I am honored. Glad to see you have made it 3 years here and hope to see you around for even more.
  5. Scotch for Mafia Boss 9.0!!! With Scotch as Mafia Boss the Mafia is sure to win!!!
  6. I got a skiffer for your deck... Scotch is Mafia Boss 8.0
  7. Ok first off I had to fix your spelling errors and punctuation as I could barely read your post as it was. Secondly the community does not develop the game. Hell the community doesnt have any actual input upon the game. The closest we come is with open beta's and even that just barely counts. Most "community input" is in the form of forum users (seemingly like yourself) who put up rage threads and whine about what is OP and unbalanced from their perspective. Then they have the gall to demand it be fixed to their own personal specifications, as though 343 Industries were their personal butler. This occurs before a game is released even, which is mind boggling to me. The community has absolutely no say in what is and is not Halo. Nor with any other game. That begins and ends with the developers. As I said prior to your "reply", the game doesn't care if you like it or not. Your feelings on the matter are immaterial. It is titled Halo, therefore and forever more it is Halo. 1: I loved that movie. 2: That was just a perfect reply. I applaud you.
  8. Scotch for Mafia Boss 8.0 Also I am not signing up just thought you guys might need this little bit.
  9. Banishment to the deepest, darkest pit of hell for all my enemies... I have many of those....
  10. One might actually state that CoD is becoming Halo. Which one had "super soldiers" in physically enhancing armor first? Which one had jetpacks first? Exactly... Ok now I let this sit long enough to stop laughing at the stupidity here I will actually finish this post. Who are you to decide what is and is not Halo? Who are any of us to decide that for everybody else? Only the games creator can say what is and is not Halo. Thus the title on the box. If you don't like it that is fine, but that doesn't make it any less Halo than any other Halo game out there. The shear amount of arrogance in forum users to say what is and is not Halo is staggering to me. I truly do not understand where people like that get the idea that they have the power to stay what is and is not Halo for the entire community. I could be like this and say that CoD: Advanced Warfare isn't CoD anymore because I don't like it (granted I don't like any of the CoD games) but that doesn't make it true. CoD: Advanced Warfare is still CoD irregardless of my personal feelings on it. CoD is on the cover therefore it is a CoD game. Assassins Creed didn't magically stop being Assassins Creed when they went from AC1 to AC2 and so on... It is still Assassins Creed. Getting the picture yet? As I said earlier, the game doesn't give a crap about you not liking it. You not liking it will not change that it is still Halo. Live with it.
  11. I don't hate it as a game. I hate it for its lore. The giant middle finger it gave everything that came before in terms of lore. As a stand alone game it wasn't so bad.
  12. Will there be an award for stumping you in this 2.0 thread?
  13. I still marvel at things like this. So often people compare Halo to CoD and its unchanging gameplay. They get upset when Halo's gameplay gets changed even slightly yet they also hate CoD because its gameplay doesn't change. Which is it that they want? Evolving gameplay with complex ideas or static gameplay that doesn't grow with the games? It is puzzling and amusing at the same time. If you are not a fan of the mechanics that is all well and good. You have that right and I have no problem with it. I am just hoping that people finally admit they want Halo to be like CoD where its gameplay doesn't change at all.
  14. I am not sure what I am being apologized to for but I will just roll with it. Take the internet with a grain of salt. My only advice.
  15. Scotch is mafia.... reminds me. I am thirsty. Must have more Scotch.
  16. Thats the thing though, the Windows Phone has nothing to do with Halo. Yet now it has been "Halo'ized" with this application. They could have called it most any other name (some names are just plain old bad) and been successful with it. Heck Google Now is about as none special a name you can get yet it is successful. They have already started pushing the Halo brand into markets where it has no need in the first place. Is it really so wrong of me to want to draw a line here instead of down the road where the whole market is flooded with crap? By then the possibility of a solution has been removed. You cant take it back. I am fine with them creating games and books. Even TV adds (which promote their games and books of course) but drop the nonsensical crap before it becomes too much. That is what I am hoping for.
  17. They are watering down the franchise with all this crap. Halo has already had enough damage done to it by the fans when Halo 4 was released. Watering it down with stuff like this, to me at least, is spoiling the name even further. Flooding the market with crap like this, among other ideas, degrades the title for me. Would you rather have a Aventador LP 700-4 or a VW Beetle? Sure the Beetle is a decent car but it is nothing special. It is mass produced and everywhere. No real sense of excitement with it. No feeling of being unique. That is what I am getting at here. It bothers me that it is being milked this hard. Get it? Fixing the human species isnt going to happen. We are doomed already and nothing I do will change that. People screw things up constantly, good things too. I am all for profit, but when you turn your product in to meaningless grey sludge nobody will want to buy it. This is another step down that road, one I wish was never taken. Absolutely. As I said above, watering down a product is not something I wish to see. I know I am in the minority on this but it is my opinion. There is such a thing as going too far. By your logic they should produce an infants show staring Master Chief and the Arbiter plus friends which is based off of the same ideas in My Little Pony. Should it exist? Nope. Oh but wait it is Halo there for we should make it. Lines should be drawn and this is where I drew mine.
  18. The point Omega is: when is it enough? Where is the line drawn in the sand where they should stop? Riding something into the ground is never good business strategy.
  19. Omega it is pure milking. You really should hear some of the responses Cortana gives from this phone. They are filled with Halo references. Pure milking. @BZ I find that putting in a service like they have is just fine, but honestly call it something else. Be original again.
  20. They are giving them a facelift. I don't give the north end of a south bound duck about graphics. They are games I already own so again why do I need to buy them again?
  21. Ok so after watching several commercials dealing with the new Windows phone I have to wonder, how much more can Microsoft milk Halo for? The AI on the new Windows phone is called Cortana. Seriously, isn't this a step too far? You already have books, comics, anime, live action mini series and not to mention games. This is getting a bit too much for me. What do you all think?
  22. I agree with Biggles. I already own the games, why should I buy them all over again when my current copies work just fine?
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