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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. Translated: 343 Guilty Spark made a comment to the Master Chief in Halo CE stating that he had only a Class 2 armor skin and should upgrade to a Class 12 at least in order to combat the Flood. This is an example of how the Didact survived as he has superior armor and it could have kept him alive. End translation. That being said, I still find it really hard that any organic being would survive after having a grenade detonate inside of their bodies. It would utterly destroy any organs inside of them....
  2. Because perhaps there isnt actually a problem with the game. The problem might instead lie with the players. Being so used to a singular style of play any break away from that is cursed. I for one am happy to have many differences. Otherwise whats the point in making "new games" if all you do is update the graphics a bit and leave the gameplay the same? It becomes stale.
  3. This is why I walk most of the mission, until I can pick up a Wraith.
  4. Again that is what gets me. I dont think he made that call based upon his ships and crews safety nor actually delivering any intel (like he actually had any intel in the first place) to Earth. I see him through out the game get increasingly more irrational and concerned not for his crews or ships safety but his own personal safety. Thats where the call seems to come from to me. Yes its a matter of perspective. I cant say your wrong because of that. But even if it were a solid military call (which I dont think it was in the first place due to lack of any intelligence gathered) was it the right call? No. Quite frankly we will never know as the Infinity left that part of space. Do we know how few Covenant ships are left (considering the Infinity ripped through them like a hot knife through butter) and how vulnerable the Didact was before his ship actually arrived? Is it possible the Infinity could have more than handled those threats on its own in its current state? I think it is possible. But we wont know as those are not the events that took place. In an alternate timeline we must go to find the answers we seek. No such timeline has been recorded so we just dont know.
  5. I still find it hard to get past a pulse nade detonating in his chest... Not sure if he should survive that or not.... But he did fall towards the Composer's beam so maybe in his last moments of life he was Composed into a Promethean AI body?
  6. Dont fall asleep yourself if you can help it. Stay awake and hold her. Thats what I would do if I were you. But glad you were thinking of something similar. Unwind away. No use to her if you are too tightly wound.
  7. I am not trying to flame you but I dont think this "review" (if you can call it that) seems to be based a lot upon similar "rage" threads people have made about Halo not conforming to their personal expectations. A game is not tailored to one person or another. It is designed around what brings in the largest audience. This being said, your opinion is your own (even if I think it is colored by some hate threads out there). There is no right or wrong answer. I disagree with you about your review, but it is yours to make. A final note, please us paragraphs. It was really difficult to read.
  8. I hope so.... Otherwise its major hax on you....
  9. Dude, dont be online. Hold her while she sleeps so she feels the love and when she wakes up she has a friendly face watching over her.
  10. Considering that Halo CE had none of those features and absolutely destroyed any other MP out there (Including H2's to me) I am not sure why people are crying about things. Games evolve, new features and mechanics are introduced. Otherwise we would just be playing the same game over and over again. I for one am all for the differences H4 gives. Sure its not perfect but for what it is, its a great game to play.
  11. Thanks for the update Ackbar. I am sorry it took a turn for the worse. Do your best to make her smile alright.
  12. Sorry I forgot an L... my bad, but you still havent answered my question. What is he best known for? What is he famous for in otherwords.
  13. I never particularly liked this hog to begin with. Though it did have something going for it if it was full of Marines with Fuel Rod cannons and Rocket Launchers.
  14. LOL that served you right. What is James Cadwell known for (most famous for)?
  15. No, no Halo Wars 2 would not be good. The first Halo Wars wasnt good either. Its an RTS on a console, those things do not mix. Period. Edit: As the Director pointed out I forgot to mention this... These are my opinions nothing else. They are not factual, just opinions.
  16. I am impressed, not many people actually remember those Presidents.
  17. It tells me nothing considering the amount of games released within a short period of time. ACIII, Dishonored, BO2, H4 and others, all released fairly close together. Ever consider that people might play more than just Halo? Honestly right now I dont particularly care what the games population is. You could have 400k one day, the next 80 and the following 300k. BTW it is the holidays too so you might want to factor that in as well... That being said, I really just have nothing more to say to you as you really dont seem to be interested in differing opinions. The holier than thou attitude its wearing thin. So thankfully this is my last responce as I grow tired of dealing with this stuff.
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