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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. I did indeed watch CNN and saw this. I have been watching and reading news about it as much as I possibly can. If there were anything I could do I would do it, but for now my heart goes out to everyone who is enduring this horrific event. :hug: I am here for you.
  2. I think that either its distance that it moves you needs to be upped (with the exception of use in Flood) or that its recharge needs to be upped somewhat as it is a one shot and then way long cool down for what it gives you. Other than that, no I think it is fine.
  3. Depends on the game type you are playing. In BTB I would say 2 snipers per team is enough but 1 is just too small. Even more so because of the size of the maps.
  4. Because Lasky would have been partial to either FleetCOM or Oni. Neither side of that political battle wanted the other to have more control over the UNSC's largest and most powerful warship than themselves. Thus Rio was selected. A neutral person, but one who really was not suited for anything outside of a desk job. He was a figurehead nothing more. But he didnt successfully defend his ship after it crashed. He split his forces (which wasnt a brilliant choice to begin with) and nearly let the Infinity get overrun by ground troops. Only with John's intervention was that prevented as he rescued the troops who went out to disable the gravity field in the first place. They never made it to their target to begin with. In fact it took a completely seperate mission to take out that gravity field. Also just a point on that seperate mission, Rio refused to gather any intel that might have saved the men he put on that mission. Instead he made them go in completely blind and that would have ensured massive casualties. Not a good command choice. Again, John was suggesting to keep the pressure on the Didact as the Didact was still in a very vulnerable position. His ship had not surfaced as of then and even if it had, a ship just comming out of its berth is extremely vulnerable. The Infinity was a threat to it, even if the Mantle was more powerful. It could hurt it, and hurt it badly. More to the point the Infinity had a tactical advantage over the Didact at that point simply because the Mantle did not show up. That core bubble of his ran away from the mini MAC weapon you activate in order to drive off the Covenant in the first place. If he is running from that then what would your main guns do to it? It was something that was easily exploitable yet ignored. Again poor command choices. Its your opinion, no matter what I do and or say, I wont change it. Just pointing some things out. Thats all.
  5. I wish for a title called Forum Father to be bestowed upon me.
  6. No he is not a VIP nor a "Commander in Chief" however he does have a rank that holds a protocal rank far higher than Rio's actual rank. More to the point he is outside Rio's command structure in the first place so any orders that Rio gives him are not actual orders but requests. Being outside Rio's command structure there is little Rio can do to John. He was put there by Lord Hood because he was the only one either party (ONI and FleetCOM) could agree on to be in command of the Infinity. Not because of qualifications but because neither side would have more influence than the other. It was a political move not a militarly sound move. Why do you think Lasky was there? He was a brilliant officer and could minimize any mistakes Rio made or flat out be able to take command if/when Rio breaks down during combat (which he was). He was basically Rio's babysitter until Rio got relieved of command. And your right, Command should have some of the blame for having Rio in command instead of somebody far more qualified (which there were). But that still does not excuse somebody of Rio's rank for his inability to work under pressure of a combat command. His choices became more and more irrational and dangerious to the crew and the ship itself. And as I said earlier, Spartans armor is equiped with the standard issue battle recorder... There is more than ample proof of Johns story if Rio had taken a few moments to actually view this... The UNSC Infinity was fully intact and ready to go baring its shields. The Covenant fleet in orbit had been shattered and what was left of it really wasnt in much of a position to do any offensive actions. Even more so being bound to the Didact's will. Am I saying they should have flat out attacked right away? No that would be a really really bad idea. But before leaving (which isnt a bad call in and of itself) get the UNSC some actual intel first. I mean seriously the only creditable intel they came back with was the existance of machines called Prometheans. No motovation behind what the Prometheans might do, how they might react to more human interaction. Why they are doing what they have been doing. If they will spread and threaten humanity or stay where they are. What is the goal of the Covenant on Requiem? What was the purpose of them being in orbit for years around Requiem? Who is in command of their fleet? What possible advantages might the UNSC gain by going back to Requiem. Is there any useful technology available? These are just bairly a few questions that intel gathering would have answered. Wouldnt even have taken them significantly longer. Whats more the presence of the Infinity might have even delayed the Didact from leaving just by being there. Its threat could have given more time to find the Composer before he does and get it to a secure location. Thus buying more time for humanity. But in the end they left with out much of anything in the way of intel. Not exactly a successful mission.
  7. Welcome to the forums. Its great to have another artist around (I am not one but there are a few on here). In this section of the forums: http://www.343industries.org/forum/forum/52-general-discussion/ there are bound to be several art threads. Just toss one up.
  8. *sigh*.... I already said I knew that about that phrase.... Didnt prove squat to me.
  9. Welcome to the forums. Quite and intro thread, but it needs more cheese
  10. I think its just easier to pick up a different weapon to be honest.
  11. Your just mad you didnt think of it first.
  12. Sorry, I am not normally one to reply like this but in this case I will make an exception. Thanks for making yourself look like an idiot with your responce. They were complaining that they could respawn instantly. I gave them a perfectly workable solution to that (which is dont press X). If they dont do that then thats their problem. Either way it is already within their control, thus something not worth complaining about. I personally dont agree with MLG simply for the attitude it instills in players. The holier than thou attitude to be exact. Of which several posters here, not going to point out particular people, have displayed in great amounts. Players are skilled no matter what tools they have at their disposal. By chosing to limit yourself you limit the growth you can have within the game as you ignore its features. If its how you want to play the game then fine, go for it. But do not go around saying that anybody who plays with different conditions than MLG is unskilled. Any player can be beaten at any time by any other player. That is the nature of gaming. Deflate the egos and let this garbage go. Its just not worth it. I have been flamed on here for reasonable responces simply because they did not agree with what you thought the game should be. The game is not built around a single player. It is built around what the majority of people will enjoy playing, and sorry to say it but MLG is not the majority. Ok well I am not sorry to say that. If you can not offer calm responces, if you are unable to do anything other than hate and rage at people who have a differing opinion about this then you have no business posting in the first place. Reasoned and calm posts get reasoned and calmed replies. Anything else needs to leave, and leave now. And yes that includes the top part of my post. I am very regretful in its attitude, however the kind of blunt statement I made was not made out of anger or a need to flame. Even so it does seem that way, and I am sorry it does but I will let it go anyways. It is probably the only time you will ever see me reply to a thread like that. And I promise that it will never happen in a thread like one of these again.
  13. Welcome to the forums. I am sure somebody (maybe even me) might join in with you.
  14. It also depends on if you are outside the US and Canada. The UK has been excluded from the code emails unlocking new specializations and ranks along with the rest of Europe. If thats the case then there is nothing anybody can do.
  15. I know it is dude, I have done my homework before asking. Technicalities behind technicalities. How much more before somebody goes nuts?
  16. 1: The "myth" you speak of is still a legit reason for its existance. People back then were paranoid about many things. 2: Even if we do not know the answer currently it does not mean there is not one out there. 3: You stated that you had answered the question and then go and state that the question is one that is impossible to answer... So which is it? BTW I did read the op, thorized answers are still answers, even if they are not always correct. So in this case I could have selected from multiple possible answers, only one of which is the correct answer I was looking for.
  17. Lol, No, but Cooler might have something to say about that.
  18. Indeed it does. Think of ship classes A blast from the past is my namesake Large and strong I am Rare yet seen before I am the newest of the line Heavy yet swift Armed to the teeth I take the fight to my enemies VaultingFrog - 6 SykoWolf - 3 Virus - 2 Winry Rockbell - 1 Zaguroth - 1 Humpstyles - 1
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