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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. Mass Effect 3 made decent use of voice commands by helping to swap weapons or use powers for your teammates. That being said they were extremely limited and were touchy to accents and the volume of the person speaking. Until technology is implemented that allows for compensation for these things (among others) voice commands are not really a great option to me. Plus it can easily be confused with conversations amongst people with in the room. Over all I think they will play a big part in the future of gaming however until it is refined it is a side option that really isn't needed.
  2. So do I win something since I asked you a legit question and stumped you?
  3. Who is called Hodor from the 93X Half-assed Morning show?
  4. While suing for false advertisement is all well and good the amount of damages they are trying to collect is fairly unrealistic. While it is up to the individual to decide how much harm the issue caused I just cant see having a lack of true 1080p graphics causing $5 million in damage to the individual. You pay what, $60 for the game plus tax (US prices). Perhaps $1,000 for a TV of extremely high quality, $500 for the console and lets say a monthly electric bill to pay for those things of $50 a month for 24 months (2 years). That is a grand total of $2,760 (US). I am not sure this qualifies for $4,997,240 in "pain and suffering". Note these are just random costs I pulled out of thin air based upon my perception of what it would cost for a brand new high end TV, console, game and the power to run those things for 2 full years. That alone should be enough in my eyes but that's just me.
  5. You are a disgrace to frog kind if you cant even get "frog" in your forum name.... Also I do an amazing Kermit voice.
  6. Well you don't have to kill them Director. Besides you are punishing them for the actual murder of the Empress for which you were framed. Also its not really about proving your innocence at that point. Its more of just getting back at the ones who framed you.
  7. Ok so I wont bring back my old thread about this game but I thought it should be mentioned again since it will be free on the 360 this month. Dishonored is a game where you are playing as the bodyguard of the Empress. The land is in the middle of a plague and is suffering. Suddenly you find yourself in prison for a crime you didn't commit and now you have to find a way to take revenge on the people who framed you. How you want to do it, who they all are. The list goes on. Each choice you make has repercussions. The more you kill the darker the story. The environment around you will change according to your actions. Even the characters you interact with are influenced. Some for the better, others for the worse. Choose how to take out your targets. Be it by cutting their throats, causing an "accident" or by other means. All these things change the game in subtle ways. Think of this game as a cross between Fable and Assassins Creed. It has a heavy stealth element to it, and that is its focus, but nothing is stopping you from treating it like a hack and slash. It is worth playing if you ask me, but I encourage you to try it out for yourselves. BTW if people didn't know the dude in my sig is the main character of Dishonored.
  8. My two cents are about as valuable as everybody elses, which is to say worthless. Reality wise, the question of it being worth buying for that single series is really up to you. Nobody else can tell you what your money is worth to you besides you. If you enjoy the series and feel you will get good entertainment value out of it then go for it. If you are unsure about it then perhaps you might want to pass. Make up your own mind instead of everybody else on the internet making it up for you.
  9. As with my Swammer I use a combo here too. It is called the Rodket Cannon Launcher.
  10. Thank Jebus it wasnt me.... Oh and I suppose congratulations are in order... but I like chaos. Still well done. Now back to fighting my "shiny button" syndrome....
  11. I am actually proud of you for posting this Caboose. Raids should not have the stupid matchmaking component to them. Part of the deal with raids is getting a group that you can work with. That takes time and effort. Doing the raid itself is only just part of its experience. The complex situation of creating the group to begin with is a major component of raids. I was, at one time, a major WoW player and I truly miss the old days of raiding. Not just the 40 man runs through Nox but gettting a group of 40 and being total dicks and raiding a major city of the opposing faction. Those kinds of things were epic and the experience priceless. Now days raiding feels more like the PvP crap that multiplayer games have and even then that doesnt quite describe it. At least in PvP settings you have a random factor of idiot players you are facing or the uber geared players which OHK you by glancing your general direction. It is boring and there is little sense of accomplishment. Just like completing your run of the mill multiplayer match from any game out there really. They just become another notch on the belt already full of notches. Been there and done that, not particularly excited to do it again. When PvE guilds in WoW finished the uber raids they didnt just quit though. After all that time spent to get one group through now you have dozens of other guild mates to guide though it. More importantly you go back to smaller guilds and help build them up so they can accomplish wonders. You teach them and network further. I still remember trying to get though Nox way back in the day and a top PvE guild dude showed up and asked to party up with us. Gave us pointers and even invited us to be sponsered by their guild. Even days later when we hadnt finished yet they still networked with us and gave us help to finish Nox and beyond. That was the experience I saw in Destiny with its missions and even in the free roaming. I hope that stays with the raids.
  12. After playing the beta for a while I agree that the campaign is where it is at. The Crucible was just plain old bad for me. The vehicles are game breaking and even though they "averaged out" damage for weapons and player health your personal selection of weapon, be it shotgun, auto-rifle... and so on, changes how that damage is applied. It could be all at once (like the pre-nerf boltshot) or so slowly that you cant keep up with anybody. That isnt even touching the powers you are able to use in there. Those on their own mess so many things up. Oh and lets not forget the class's unique features such as the Titan's ability to absorb more damage than others. The Warlock's ability to recharge health and shields faster. All of which need major balancing before I would even consider playing it again. That rant aside, as I said and others have said, the campaign is where it is at. But you cant just take it as simply the missions. I found huge enjoyment in the free roaming that you were able to do. Being able to save a player who is getting swarmed or even reviving them on the fly. Interacting with other players in the community events was always fun. Trying to chase down targets to kill was a thrill. The Devil Walker fights were also a pleasure, requiring skill and nerve. Finding every nook and cranny out there for chests and dead ghosts is a lot of work but also rewarding. The views you can get of the environment are breath taking.
  13. Assuming the following statement is true: 1+1=3 What is 2+2=?
  14. Good lord no. MLG and all groups like it can stay the heck away from gaming in my opinion.
  15. Count yourselves lucky you didn't waste any of my Scotch...
  16. Correction. Vaulting♥Frog's Scotch is mafia. Tasty, tasty mafia.
  17. The series should be on Netflx Bnus. And no it is not an ongoing series. It stopped a while ago. It only had 4 seasons but in those four seasons there are 88 episodes each nearly an hour long.
  18. I have no problem with girl/girl or guy/guy. I just want to be able to tell the difference between guys and girls in their art styles. They all look female to me which makes character identification difficult.
  19. From what I understood is he has watched the series on Netflix but Netflix doesn't support The Peacekeeper Wars as of yet.
  20. Who said a Halo MMO would have to be in first person? It could easily be a third person game. There is potential for a Halo MMO to be great, but just as much potential for it to be bad. If they make it then judge. Until then none of this actually matters.
  21. Why do they make guys look like women in anime?
  22. Does anybody else here besides me watch Farscape? It is a bloody brilliant series that was produced by the Jim Henson Productions starting in 1999. It has Ben Browder and Claudia Black in it. Both of whom also were on Stargate SG1 (another fantastic series). It is about an astronaut (Ben Browder) who gets sucked through a wormhole while running some theoretical tests in the space "above" Earth. This sends him to a distant part of the galaxy where he ends up on a living ship called Moya. This ship is known as a leviathan. It is full of prisoners which the astronaut ends up teaming up with. They go on tons of misadventures and all the while they are being chased by a group called the Peacekeepers. They have multiple reasons to chase them down but in particular they are after John Crichton (Ben Browder) because of his relationship with wormholes. They think he can turn them into weapons and they want that knowledge for themselves. This lands them into mess after mess. A thrilling tale with a cliffhanger ending to the series until you watch the miniseries called Farscape: The Peackeeper Wars. That picks up right after the final season and wraps everything up nicely. The characters evolved dramatically through the series and you find new ones every now and again which changes the whole dynamic of all the original characters. Please tell me I am not the only one who watched this... Also I am making this because I just finished watching the whole series and the Peacekeeper Wars and am utterly taken with it.... again.
  23. Still waiting for the vote to give me more Scotch... what is a hobo with out his Scotch?
  24. If one raises a cow, what happens to the duck?
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