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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. Its ok I will tolerate the hell out of you.
  2. Sounds like fun. Be yourself and enjoy. I for one am looking forward to it. Good luck.
  3. That sounds like an epic good time, which horseman would you be? And no I dont believe the world will end on Friday either. Yes the world will end eventually but I dont think it will be this soon. More to the point, if it does end on Friday I wouldnt be around to care about it so why worry?
  4. The best advice I can give is take it slow. Dont rush yourself out there. Instead take small movements until you build up a rhythm and are comfortable with it. Then take larger steps.
  5. Nope, and thanks. I tried to make it a good one and apparently I did Nope but you are getting much warmer.
  6. Lucky for you that you make any color look good.
  7. Indeed welcome. Do you have any cheese? I like cheese.
  8. Welcome to the community. We give hugs :hug: See I told you so.
  9. In that case I would just report that person to XBL and then their are toast. Its against the terms of service.
  10. You can get Give Him the Stick and Chief, Smash solo while playing easy. They dont have a difficulty requirement. The only one I would actually need a co-op group for is bros to the close to be honest.
  11. If its a glitch then its not hacking. Thats just the programing acting funky.
  12. Sorry I didnt get to it sooner but welcome to the community. Have fun here.
  13. Like I said I am not against it being implemented but there are a lot of issues that need to be addressed first. I barely hit on one of them in my reply. The reason why I mentioned campaign is because several of the "posts" you put in your thread mention life. Campaign is part of that game life and cant be excluded. You cant tell me you have never gone back and played through the older Halo campaigns. That is game life. Some times the urge just strikes to play it. Thus the game still is played. Thats all.
  14. Well just know I am here for you and I am sure plenty of others are too. Glad today was better on you. Hope it keeps going that way.
  15. I see a lot of assumptions about other players made within these comments. Most particularly about "casual players". I am a casual player and yet I play games consistantly. The definition of a casual player changes from person to person. I dont spend 4 hours a day playing MP but I do come back to it once and a while just to kick back and relax. I will still be contributing to the life of the game. Thus some arguments are null and void about casual players such as myself. I am sorry but personally it sounds like a lot of personal issues people are laying out because they want a game to be developed in a manor that suits them and only them (which most if not all complaint threads are). Am I opposed to a ranking system? Nope. I just dont see a point to it either. Any player can be beaten on any given day by any person. That is just the way it is. One day a person is on top of the gaming world and the next they get crushed by a person who just played for the first time. So to me it makes little difference. One issue I see that has not been addressed is the armory issue. What would the ranking system do to the armory? If a person is unable to achieve said rank they are then being denighed the unlockable armor for that rank? Or are you people proposing to have that as a seperate system entirely? If thats the case then they have a huge amount of coding to do (well in either case its a lot of coding) which I just dont see happening. One other thing, what about the campaign, does that not mean it has a long life span or do you people (just trying to include guys and girls, not being racist or anything) only play the campaign once? I for one play the campaign multiple times. I still go back to CE's campaign and play that. Its one of my preferences. Please keep in mind, I am not trying to argue with you or anybody else. Just pointing a few things out from my viewpoint. Thats all. Not saying your wrong or that I am right.
  16. The forum you actually want is on waypoint. This is just a community of fans, not the official 343i site. They would be able to help you off at waypoint.
  17. Unfortunately its, in most cases, the players themselves that cause the problems and there isnt much 343i can do about that. The deaths though I dont think should go on your record but the others and negative kills.
  18. If its anything like a hobbits journey then I am all for it.
  19. I prefer the one shot on hunters but thats just me. And yes I can 3 shot people but its kind of a meh for me.
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