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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. I read that book last night lol Ancient I look but young am I Cold and calculating Warm to my charges With careful eyes I watch them grow My end in near I reach out one last time Warning I give In the end I have failed End of line The score: Virus - 2 VaultingFrog - 3 Zaguroth - 1 SykoWolf - 1
  2. Thats the UNSC Midsummer Night The score: Virus - 2 VaultingFrog - 2 Zaguroth - 1 SykoWolf - 1
  3. While the button pressing got annoying after a while it wasnt that big of an issue for me. Also, all the Halo games are linear. They all have set paths that you have to follow through a "maze" in order to go through the game. I found this to be no more apparent than in any other Halo game. Just keep in mind that its all personal opinion. I wont call H4 the best campaign but it is not the worse one out there, at least for me.
  4. LMAO that was just epic. I declair that you should win on that alone!
  5. Poop. Well then I still will be waiting till you get back. :hug:
  6. Life is a riddle onto itself, which makes it all the more wonderful. Correct. How did you know?
  7. I am rather glad that weapons disappear at the rate they do. In BTB there are so many weapons on the ground that it would cause chaos. Power weapons would be laying there forever and people would be nuking each other at an insane rate. I dont find much of an issue with this to be honest.
  8. OMG you are back!!! :hug: As for the banning, I am not sure how to take it. We shall see.
  9. All are incorrect but GrimmGirl you are getting really close.
  10. No you are too old. You dont get one of these threads... lol jk jk Its always good to have an intro thread, just dont forget the cheese.
  11. LMAO was wondring if I had to make another thread saying I am back...
  12. I like the idea of being able to fail a Spartan Op but I dont like the thought of no XP being given. You work for it even if you do fail. I am not sure there should be a limit when you are solo'ing as you can be easily overwhelmed on higher difficulties. In a group I think their should be a pool like what they did with firefight. Each death reduces the pool while certain actions increase it, such as completing an objective or killing a certain amount of enemies.
  13. Welcome indeed. Did you bring any cheese?
  14. Glad your not going. Stick around and I might get to be as cool as you.
  15. I am blown away. I have no idea who you are but I am still blown away. Welcome back. :hug: I give hugs because thats what I do.
  16. Black as night Warm as the summer My secrets people do plunder Blindly they jump From end to end Only to find long lost friends My armies boil forth Protection to those who deserve Beneath my light The silver gate admits all Virus - 1 VaultingFrog - 2 Zaguroth - 1 SykoWolf - 1
  17. I rock the Assault Rifle all the time.
  18. Better not get this wrong. I gave Sarge. a second shotgun...
  19. I dont mind the drops so much as I tend to ignore them when I get the option for one. But over all I would like to see one power weapon, one uncommon weapon (IE Needler) and a stat boost per drop. I dont care where they are located on the menu but balance them out a bit so people have a better chance. Or better yet forgo the power weapons and put in grenades. Have the power weapons as random dual drops on each side of the map. That way people pick the middle tier weapons more often instead of always going for the power weapons.
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