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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. No idea who you are but its always sad to see someone leave. Sorry if I contributed to what you are taking issue with. Just enjoying the site. Anyways, I hope things work out for you.
  2. So many names... Purple, GrimmGirl, Midna... so many names.... rawr.
  3. Doesnt particularly matter to me as I am far too cheap to buy a new one anyways. I cant shell out $500 or whatever it costs. But I would say wait until the product is ready. Dont send a product out that you know isnt ready to be out there.
  4. My nap trumps all your weapons. All your pillows are belong to us!
  5. Define being competitive....
  6. I see too much abuse with this. Now if there were criteria that would then lead to booting I might support that. Such as being AFK for 2+ minutes or something like that, then its a vote kick for the entire team. But griefers are going to grief no matter what system gets put into place. I say just deal with it.
  7. Dont need to. Teamwork is a choice. It doesnt just magically appear. An individual makes a choice to work with the team or they choose not to. In one way they do teamwork the other they dont. How much more simple can this get? If the individual doesnt choose to work as a team with the other players then how can there be any team work? Do you not understand this concept? Most everything in MP comes down to individual players choices. Choose to go left instead of right and a different outcome happens. Choose to work as part of a team or not, different outcomes. Please tell me you can grasp this concept, it is really really simple. If you cant then unfortunately there is nothing I can do for you.
  8. Frogger.... and Mario Kart for the SNES plus Zelda: A Link to the Past
  9. I hope you realize that most games "copy" (for lack of a better word right now) from other games in order to flush out their mechanics. Its only natural that shooters seem similar because the aspects that make up shooters are going to be similar. Game mechanics are ment to be shared as they improve the over all game play in most cases.
  10. Actually I would say this is talking about a Halo installation.
  11. Welcome to the forum. Dont worry too much about English, it will come along and we are all here to help.
  12. Ok here is a bit tougher one. Who created the series Battlestar Galactica (original series) in what Year? Why was it sued shortly there after and what was its counter-sue and by whom was the sueing being done (on both sides of the issues)?
  13. Welcome to the forums. If you get lost, ask for a map. If you cant get a map then ask for directions. If you cant get directions then give me cheese and all will be well. PS, give me cheese anyways...
  14. What channels did Farscape originally air on and in what year?
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