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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. Thats the thing, you dont have to be super stealthy. You can slice and dice your way through the entire game if you want to.
  2. Why did the Romans change the Greek god's names and personalities?
  3. Individual choice affects teamwork. You could be sticking around some teammates but if those individual players choose to go off on their own then teamwork goes out the window. Teamwork is a choice. As for games that you can make a comeback in in 3 minutes? There are too many for me to list. Any game that has player vs player has the ability for the loosing team to make a comeback quickly. Its all about how you player as an individual and how you mesh with the others on your team as that individual.
  4. I wish for skills that make me not so much of a meat shield.
  5. Just so long as you dont mind cutting silver hair off of a middle aged guy.
  6. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I needed my hair cut! But seriously, we will miss you. Keep us updated if you can. I wish you happy holidays and good tidings. Frogger :hug:
  7. You get a pistol that you can modify so it has a larger clip, more power and range as well as reload speed. You also get a one handed crossbow which has regular bolts, sleep darts (knocks people out in one hit out of combat with out mods) and incendiary bolts which light people on fire.
  8. Depends on how you want to play it. You can go pretty much everywhere. Up walls, on railings. You can even turn into a rat and go through tunnels that normally are unaccessable. It could be a hack and slash if you want or turn it into complete steath (thats my preference).
  9. I am the shotgun that takes a nap...
  10. I call hax on this thread... But truthfully I am sorry your having a bad experience. I havent come across anybody who does things like this. I have met a few lag switchers but thats about it and even those I deal with.
  11. No where near as involved or side quest heavy. But still I think it is a great game.
  12. I had beaten you to it in this but I am glad to see another thread about this. My heart (what little there is) goes out to everybody affected by this. Twin I am so sorry, wish there were something I could do for you. Link to my thread if you want to read whats in there too: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/21591-give-a-shout-out-to-the-kids/
  13. I found it to be a cross between Fable and Assassin's Creed. Its an assassination game where you are able to get "magical powers" like Blink which moves you super fast over a short distance or you can summon a pack of rats to attack people. Your choice on how to go through the game affects the ending too. Kill alot of people and its a darker ending while keeping people alive makes it a "good" ending. I really liked it.
  14. I think you got it as part of the promotion they were running like Jester said...
  15. Has anybody but me played this game?
  16. Perhaps you guys won because some on their side bailed and your side got reinforced... Perhapse they got lazy or your vehicles took it to them. It could be any number of reasons but it all comes down to the individual player, not the game itself. Their own choices were their downfall, not the game.
  17. The development process of a new CoD game: VIP: We need a new game idea... On the list: Shooting people Other corporate officers: Ummm..... Now on the list: Shooting people.... with slightly changed guns VIP and other coporate officers: WOAH THAT BLEW MY MIND!!!! Sorry but that just seems to be their formula. I dont hate it but its nothing new for me to enjoy.
  18. I am physically unable to comprehend such entitlement and or arrogence. Seriously, comming onto a community forum (which isnt 343i's btw you need to go to waypoint...) and throwing out demands and raging about things you have an issue with just doesnt solve anything. You seem to be throwing a tantrum which wont get you anywhere here. Please try again when you are calmer.
  19. Oh my I am tempted to touch this one but I wont for the good of everybody.
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