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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. Miranda Keyes Rawr I had to refresh and put my post in again as it didnt take, I would have had mine in a minute before yours...
  2. Crap I forgot I have two cases of Dew XP stuff that I could give. Thats what like 12 games or something of double XP?
  3. It would be fun to do something like this instead of just drop down menus. Its alot of graphical data they would have to put in but it would look sweet. Individual areas for the War Games and then Spartan Ops (drop down menues show up after entering one area or another with intent to play) while roaming the bridge lets you talk to officers and see little effects you have on them through Spartan Ops or success in the War Games.
  4. For the 20 children and 7 adults who died in the Connecticut elementary shooting today I say rest in piece. Its a tragity and I just thought I would make a thread (considering how I am feeling atm its an important thing for me to do) to let people give their shoutouts to these children and adults who died today. Please give thanks for what you have in your life and never let it go if you can. Here is to you the honored dead, you survive in the hearts of all who loved you and will never, ever be forgotten. A little late in updating this but here is another thread started about this same thing: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/21684-in-response-to-the-shootings/ Read there for more replies.
  5. Well since it doesnt actually do anything other than change the look of your character I kind if think you wasted your money, but thats me.
  6. Wow, way to rage at me when all I did was post a solution, and yes it is a solution. You needed to play KoTH I provided a means to play it, hence solution. Sure the poster had some points, and yes I agree it would have been easy to have a KoTH selection in the main menu. Could that have changed since I last logged on? Perhaps. What is bothering me (besides the fact you tweeked out on me for no actual reason) is that you assume that 343i has no idea whats going on with their game. Perhaps they chose to do it this way so more people would play the DLC maps. They could have done it for any number of reasons. You assumptions about their motovations are baseless and right now make you seem like a child throwing a tempertantrum (at least to me). Now then please dont bother to respond as I have said all I am willing to say to you. Thank you.
  7. Umm dude I think you completely missed what I said in my post. I am well aware of the process the UNSC has for creating its AIs. Using human brain tissue they create a map which is then used to create a digital framework for said AI, the human tissue is destroyed in the process. My point is that because the UNSC process is so completely different for create AI's that Cortana could end up being the first success. The Forerunners are turning living tissue into digital matter, not something that particularly computes unless you are from Tron. Cortana is pure digital information to begin with, which could solve the problem of turning digital information into an organic being. I dont like having to re-explain myself again and again...
  8. I will stop them with my call nurse button!!!
  9. I lost my Female armor code otherwise I would have contributed.... Maybe I will buy something and hand that out. Who knows.
  10. But only the left ones, whats up with that?
  11. I think you got mine, but just incase I will post a link to my girl. https://spartans.svc.halowaypoint.com/players/CapToenail24/h4/spartans/fullbody?target=large
  12. Its not in the regular playlists however if you play the Crimson DLC maps you can vote for KoTH on there.
  13. I would say hologram is correct. I know I havent guessed one but before it gets too late for me I would like to post one of my own. Confetti heralds my comming Cheers of joy and laughter All for the slaughter Death comes for us all with joyous voice
  14. You should throw up some assassination vids.
  15. I think it just needed more cowbell...
  16. I will still be on most days but only to check on a few things and see if I got any messages. I am pretty much going to be very quiet for an unknown period of time. Things in my life have taken a turn for the worse in more ways than one, not something I particulary feeling like sharing on a thread though. So in short I will be around but very quiet. Probably wont see much of me in the shoutbox either. Message me if you need something. VaultingFrog PS: Hugs to all those who deserve them, you know who you are... :hug:
  17. Well considering that John survived the Composer he might want to study John which is why he didnt kill him outright.
  18. Did he beat it previously on Legendary? Could be that it only shows up once per account... But I got no clue. I just want my cheese and bacon.
  19. Did you consider that that might be the reason why they failed? The digitization of an entire organic being is heavy stuff to begin with. Perhaps they were failing because of that fact. Instead Cortana might be the first success because she did not follow the Forerunner process of becoming an AI to begin with.
  20. Feeling the need to sneeze but never sneezing makes me rage.
  21. Welcome to the forums. Ask for directions if you get lost.
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