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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. I still vote for more Scotch for the hobo known as Vaulting♥Frog....
  2. Ok seriously enough of this stupidity. One vote and that's it. Make sure you know who you want to vote for before hand.
  3. I really wish people would use competitive in the correct manor. Any multiplayer game is competitive. You are playing to win. Fact of the matter is that Halo 5 will be competitive already. Now if you are trying to talk about the MLG aspect of it then that is a different story. If you want some sort of ultra high level area for gameplay that uses a specific setting the go for it but I don't think it should be a focus. Instead I personally feel that they should make the game as enjoyable as possible instead of giving people more fuel for their e-peen and e-boob contests.
  4. I vote for getting me more Scotch....
  5. @Coldfreeze You are required to discard a huge amount of credits when you first start on XBL. They just vanish into thin air. Nobody gets them. Instead it reduced you down to Sargent or some crappy low rank and makes you go through Warrant Officer again. It states that you are only allowed to bring so many credits with you when switching to XBL.
  6. I got crapped on when I switched over to Live as well, but I don't cry about it. Nor did I boost to get there. Also as said before, this isn't 343 Industries forums. It is a community forum. Go to waypoint.com to complain about it.
  7. I just love the dialog choices that you get when interacting with people. They are funny as all get out.
  8. @Eichhoernchen 1: Your name is evil to try and spell 2: I was talking about the complaint that the poem is formed around. That Destiny = COD Such an original complaint.
  9. What do you know... an original complaint.....
  10. RISE..... RISE FROM THE GRAVE I BID YOU..... RISE!!!!!!!! Still wish people would check this series out.
  11. Teabag with some sense. Know when it is appropriate or not. Excessive Teabagging is frowned upon.
  12. My Scotch!!!! Oh wait it is still safe.... lucky for you people.
  13. If you are going for horde mode or arcade playthroughs I will see if I can make it.
  14. Doesn't matter that it is in the future. Fire that bloody thing in ODST along with the pistol and you hear it make a noise with every round. It is quieter but it is not silent.
  15. I voted no on both of them. I just want to point out though that the periods after the "No" answers are not needed. Seems to me like it is making a statement that you are making the wrong selection even though it is personal preference.
  16. Red and I have had a few PM's about this and I think some advice I have given will help out. The MoM should stay as is but in the future I think other ideas might be explored. Now then, the issue, from my perspective at least, has been put to rest. Opinions were made known and things will end up being different next time if a similar problem such as the one this month arises.
  17. Why do people keep calling it a silenced weapon.... There is no such thing. It has a suppressor attached to it that reduced its noise output by a significant degree but it is by no means silenced.
  18. I am just glad my Scotch is safe....
  19. I find it amusing that you are trying to keep Halo from being more CoD like with the logic of not changing the gameplay or changing it so little that it virtually is the same game.... which is what CoD does. So Halo will stop being like CoD by being like CoD... Brilliant.
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