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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. May you be welcome to the humble community here.
  2. Sorry just cant get enough cheese. Its amazing!
  3. Have larger fights with other NPC Spartan squads. Pitched battles where you need to take objectives in order to influence the flow of the fight. Miss something and the fight can turn for the worse. Make them be able to cause failure.
  4. Solo Legendary can be a pain but you can get through it. I did. Plus the missions seemed to get easier as the game went on. After mission 4 things started to lighten up for me.
  5. Oh boy I feel the love. Thank you all, and yes I will be sticking around. BTW that cheese is mine!!!!
  6. I have completely neglected to make an intro thread so I am making up for it now. Hello everybody I am VaultingFrog. I am around on the shoutbox more often than not and always enjoy company. Trying to be more out going than before but normally I am a quiet guy. If you want to hit me up on XBL my gamertag is on my profile. I am a proud meat shield.
  7. That has to be Kermit the Frog as one of the voices. Its just too epic not to be.
  8. Good luck to you and safe missions. Will be keeping you and the rest of our armed forces in my thoughts as always.
  9. I am glad they are not in Halo 4. Was getting tired of a decade of killing them.
  10. I am a fan of the co-op for it but on rare occasion I do solo a few of them.
  11. Glad its not just me then. Thought I was going to sound nuts or that I was bragging or something.
  12. So was it just me or did Legendary get easier as you got to the later missions? I found the first half of the game to be far more difficult on solo Legendary than the second half. Anybody else notice this?
  13. Those "Missions" dont count towards any mission achievements so what does it matter?
  14. But using the hammers on them was so fun.
  15. Well the Forerunners tried to turn AI Prometheans back into organic beings and failed miserably but who knows maybe Cortana will be the first success.
  16. I normally am getting 5950 XP from a single mission doing a matchmade op. If I am solo'ing it or playing in a preset party then you get around the same amount of xp as a war games match.
  17. How is it cheating exactly? Because you get more XP in a single OP than you do in a War Games match? Its not all that big of a deal really. XP is kind of pointless as anybody can get it. Doesnt mean your a good player.
  18. I just had to laugh at this after playing Episode 5. Chapter 5 Episode 5 is all I am going to say.
  19. Its going -------------------> that way
  20. I would rather they save the Flood for a later series instead of putting them back in. We already spent nearly a decade fighting the Flood already. Give them a rest and focus on the Forerunners.
  21. Actually I felt they were together for the majority of the games. Their only two seperations were right after John makes it to the Cartographer in CE but he gets her back right after the Library. Thats all of two missions out of what 10? And then she stays behind at the end of H2 and you recover her in H3. That is the longest stretch they are apart. Mostly though we played as John with Cortana being present until H3. Honestly there has only been one Spartan-II with an AI counter-part. That is John. No other Spartan-II other than him was selected to have one. This is in part due to Cortana herself choosing who would carry her. Who would offer the best compatibility for functionality between AI and organic interface. I think it was up in the 99% range for John which was higher than any other Spartan-II in terms of compatibility. Umm no. Smart AI's while expensive do not cost as much as a fleet. Otherwise why would we have them? While no where near as common as "dumb" AI's there are still quite a few out there. What I think you were getting at was the cost of the Spartan-II program including the MJOLNIR armor systems. That cost as much as a small fleet of ships. Thats an issue to anything that involves an AI really. Doesnt matter if its a Spartan, officer, ship or station. In combat that is always a risk. The original purpose of Cortana was to assist in the capture of a Covenant ship in order to take it back to the Covenant "capital" and either kill or take hostage their leadership in order to force an end to the war. To do this she needed a carrier and a Spartan-II's armor provided a very good vessel for that as she is protected, is able to at performace to that Spartan and be on hand when needed during the boarding action to provide rapid responce to electronic threats. This mission got scrubbed once Reach was attacked. The PoA fled and then Cole Protocol Artical 2 (I think its 2 might be 3) is enacted. Then it becomes Johns job not to let her fall into enemy hands. That is always possible.
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