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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. Umm that even isnt technically correct. The Spartan-III program had been running since 2531, while Reach fell in 2552. So yes the Spartan-III's were around well before Reach fell according to the books however none of the books list any squads on Reach during its fall. In fact Alpha Company was wiped out completely on one of their missions (though they succeeded in their mission) and Beta Company had two survivors from one of their missions. Those two survivors stayed to train the next company (Gamma Company) and survived with two squads of Gamma Company and a portion of Blue Team along with Mendez and Dr. Halsey. So the books account for all the Spartan-IIIs yet some how a "team" of Spartan-IIIs (claimed as such within the game) are on Reach during those events. A clear contradiction. But yes according to the game they are Spartan-IIIs. Just pointing out that the Spartan-IIIs have been around for a long time. Edit: Sorry quoted the wrong person.
  2. I would rather play Spartan Ops rather than the War Games personally. War games are just boring for me. Atleast the Spartan Ops has some semblence of story line even if it is small.
  3. Personally I think that Cortana could be the first AI to be turned into flesh and bone by the Composer and you have to find her in H5 but who knows.
  4. Well Halo Wars does bother me and lets leave it at that... As for the Flood, I wouldnt use "bad" as a word for it. More like tiresome. We have fought them for an entire series as the main bad guys (or one of them). Its time to let them rest and save them for a later series. To me its too soon for them to return. Right now they are showing so much potential in the Prometheans that I dont want them to give that up. I would love to see a re-ignited Human-Forerunner war. That is what I am hoping for in H5 and H6.
  5. Anything from Halo Wars instantly gets a NO from me. That game was a disgrace to RTS games everywhere and wasnt all that great a Halo game either. I forced myself to play through it just to play through it and I couldnt even manage that it was so bad for me. I literally got sick trying to play that waste of digital space. As for the Flood, I prefer them to stay out of this one. I am fairly tired of fighting them over and over and over again. Give them a series break and maybe come back to them in a future series again. But for now leave them be.
  6. Anything automatic is amazing against their shields but you have to pop them fast otherwise they just warp away and recharge. Another alright one is the Lightrifle. Might sound weird but shots to the face with this thing are nasty and as an added plus on higher difficulties they tend to drop more ammo for you so you nearly run around with a full reserve after a fight with them. Binary Rifle is OP on everything and so is the Incineration Cannon. I dont recomend any CQC with them as they tend to have a super melee that just wrecks me but if forced than the Scattershot is the way to go.
  7. CE still has it for me. H2 was a bit tricky at first due to a few different mechanics (like me actually playing it on a 360 instead of the old school XBOX) but once that was over with I found it to be much easier than CE. Duel wielded needlers was way OP and the snipers werent too much of a problem for me. Reach was nasty at points but if you took your time and stayed back instead of charging in the campaign was fairly easy as well. H4 was actually rougher on my on Legendary than H2 because of the Knights and Watchers. Those Watchers would fly around a corner where I couldnt get to them and recharge then spawn more crawlers just to make my day worse. And the Knights would just warp away after I burn 3/4 of a mag just to try and get their shields down. They hide and I have to do it all over again.
  8. For me the toughest part on solo legendary was the door fight on Infinity. Holding that door all by yourself is murder.
  9. First off, the plasma weapons were described as OP during the Human/Covenant war as they were compairing Human weapons to Covenant ones. In the books the Covenant weapons were more powerful, but still beatable with the right tactics. I think thats where you are getting it from. However you must take into account that the events of H4 are new and as such introduce new things, IE the hardlight weapons. Neither the Covenant or the UNSC are able to make weapons like that. As for them being "belt fed" (horrid term btw when talking about energy weapons) I think you are being mislead. It is in my belief that the Promethean weapons are giving charge packs that allow a limited amount of hard light projectiles to be produced within the weapon itself. If you have ever played mass effect then you might have an idea of what I am talking about. The ammunition is always there, omni present if you will. It doesnt run out. What does run out is the power to create the ammunition that is then fired. Hence the charge packs. This means that though it is an energy weapon you are able to replace a charge pack and continue firing unlike the Covenant weapons which hold a single charge then require the entire unit to be recharged (I could be wrong on the Covenant mechanics but I have never seen an explenation for them). Hence your ammo counter being similar to UNSC weapons.
  10. Ok so I have done all of the Spartan Ops episodes on Heroic or higher and yet my achievement for completing all 5 episodes on any difficulty is still not popping, what gives? Any help here?
  11. I was just asking thats all. Didnt know that to begin with. Thanks for the fill in info.
  12. Wouldnt we already have passed this then as we wiped out the Flood Gravemind already? A feat that the Forerunners were unable to do? Which brings me to my next point, if the Flood were indeed a test by the Precursors to see if a species were ready to inherit the mantle wouldnt the Forerunners have already fought to Flood well before fighting humanity? And if thats the case then why were they astounded at its existance and had really no clue in the begining what it was? Why did it infest their planets with out them knowing? Kind of seems to me that there is a hole there...
  13. Actually I found that part to be fairly easy. There is a huge chunk of cover straight out of the door that you can make it too on a ghost. Strafe the trash mobs out from the first "sphere" and then go melee it. Run back to your cover and take your ghost to the back side of the second one and wipe them out. Then there is cover between the second and third "spheres" on the far wall. Head to that and you can pick off the trash mobs at #3. Pop that one and then just go back to the cover you were just in and walk back to "sphere" #2 then from there head up. The only part the Banshees played in my legendary solo on this one was going up the central tower and even then I just rushed it. No sense in waiting around for them. Wipe out the Elite in your way, jump up the stairs and sprint across the bridge. But thats just me.
  14. I just have to say this, its bad when your sig is bigger than the OP of the thread you made...
  15. I am kind of glad. I would be annoyed at watching myself die over and over again on Legendary.
  16. Did you play it while you were online? It does require you to be online and play through the entire mission while connected in order to count.
  17. Doesnt bother me, but thats just me.
  18. I just want to point out that UNSC AI's (both smart and dumb) choose their own visual appearances based off of their own quirks and developed personalities. Some appear as gods/goddesses, others as "Native Americans" and still others portray stereotypes of various kinds. No human forces their appearance.
  19. Noble Team was made almost completely out of Spartan-IIIs not Spartan-IIs. The only Spartan-II in that team was Jorge-052 and I dont think he was a commissioned officer but an enlisted soldier.
  20. Thats what I thought, thanks for clearing that up for me.
  21. Could you find that quote for me as I have not heard it, or at least I dont remember it. I know the Forerunners had their own AI's that run their armor which they called Ancilla. Perhaps that was what he was getting at as the term AI probably is just a human thing.
  22. So when did that happen? Considering what I have read in the books (which have Cortana being made from a flash clone of Halsey's brain, Fall of Reach) thats kind of a contradiction isnt it?
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