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Everything posted by Vaulting♥Frog

  1. Well to start with they could put it on PC and have actual RTS features in the game instead of the stuff they put out on the original game....
  2. I don't remember, nor do I care to. But I do have one so that is something.
  3. In all honesty you should have created the poll in a PM and used the thread to only discuss the issue. That way you guys can vote with out having any risk of outside influence in the numbers of the vote while still allowing outside input. Just a suggestion. Having a public poll and not letting people vote on it can tick people off. Its like teasing a dog with a slice of ham, the dog will get pissed and attack you sooner or later.
  4. Putting up a poll like this and saying people aren't allowed to vote kind of bugs me. Also kind of makes me want to vote anyways.
  5. None unless I am having a LAN party, in which case I would play Halo CE's multiplayer. The rest can go rot in the gutter.
  6. I don't really know if he is going to be hunting the Chief the whole time, more like trying to replace him. Fit in the Chief's shoes and exceed them.
  7. I am not sure anybody here particularly cares if you destroy your copies of Halo 4 and 5 if you decide it doesn't feel like Halo. I could be wrong, I don't speak for anybody else but myself. That being said your "feeling" about it being Halo is irrelevant to every one else, and the series for that matter. It has Halo on the title there for it is Halo. You not enjoying it doesn't make it any less Halo.
  8. 4/5 Looks a bit like Unicron but not quite evil enough. Took off a point for your use of fergilicous.
  9. Until the armor does something other than make you look pretty it is worthless to me. So personally I don't care what it looks like.
  10. Name: Bob Translated name: Bob Did it myself.
  11. Once, a long time ago I thought about hosting a ME3 playdate but I doubt that will ever happen.
  12. See here is my issue, these so called "Promethean weapons" are still Forerunner weapons. The Prometheans are just a branch of the Forerunners. Think of it like our modern militaries. In the US we have the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force. Each one uses human designed weapons, but not all use the same issued weapon. Navy SEALS don't use the same weapons as regular Navy. Your basic Marine infantry isn't issued the same stuff as Force Recon... so on and so on. They are all "human" weapons but are issued differently. Same idea can be applied to the Forerunners. We haven't seen their entire arsenal (nor have we seen all of the UNSC and Covenant arsenals). The Promethean weapons we have seen (probably just a very very small sample) are just a tiny part of over all Forerunner weaponry. Is this a difficult concept to grasp?
  13. You realize that solution wont stop half the community from bitching about it right?
  14. Bacon I am not going to get into this again. I have explained too many times my hatred for the Flood and how crappy an enemy they are. Leave my opinion alone.
  15. Tell me champ, of what value did this number have in the real world? How about I make it easy for you and answer it myself. The answer is that it has no value. It is a digital number representing a perceived skill in which no employer will give a damn. No school will care. It doesn't pay the bills. People try to ascribe meaning to it in hopes that their time spent chasing said number might have value in the real world yet when the dust settles and reality sets back in the number is meaningless. The time spent getting it, isnt however. The enjoyment of playing the game isnt. That has value (the money you paid in order to play said game). You state it was an incentive and people paid for ranks. This is true, but only in a sense that they felt they had something to prove with a digital number that when broken down has no value. They tried to ascribe their self worth to the number in an attempt to find value in themselves, while at the same time "bragging" about it. There is nothing I despise more than people who cant value themselves with out needing some trinket or number or "something" to validate themselves. If you cant do it on your own then all you are really trying to do is get into ******** contests to see who has the bigger "e-peen" or "e-boob". Such garbage should stay away from gaming as it rots it to its core. Look at MLG and what it did to gaming. The be-all-end-all of competition is what people claimed it to be. Halo 3 basically ended up sending the message that if its not MLG with its ranks and style then your not really playing the game the way its ment to be played. You are a "noob" and should be shunned. If you cant see this then read some of the posts around here, by many members old and new. Dedicated and rookie alike. That attitude is everywhere in their posts if you would only read it. It is all well and good to give players something to work towards but when it becomes a ******** contest then you have a problem with what you have done. I see that problem with ranking systems in multiplayer all over the gaming community and it saddens me that I find I am the only one who does. You want a ranking system? Fine, go for it but see the soul of gaming rot away in its place. It used to be enjoyable to play games, now it is nothing but frustration, hate and bitterness. I will stick to my old games that are off line and single player since I know this "trend" will continue until it kills the gaming community.
  16. I would buy it, if only to toss it immediately into my microwave and watch it create a light show for me. At least that might be worth something for my money instead of the garbage that they pushed out the first time. I hold no hope for a second game if you haven't guessed. RTS games and consoles do not mix.
  17. WHAT!?!?!?!?! OMGWTFBBQSAUCE!!!!!! HALO IS RUINED BECAUSE YOU DONT LIKE A SKULL!!!!!! If you cant detect the sarcasm in the capslock attack then here is your spoiler: It was sarcasm. Seriously, Halo doesn't get ruined from a single skull being added. It might ruin it for you, AND YOU ALONE, but for the rest of us you don't have a bloody clue. Don't come crying to people that something in ruined when it is judged on an individual basis. You might not like it but others could. Doesn't make it ruined, only not to your particular tastes. I am going to be sick of these posts very quickly....
  18. I still say the Flood can go to hell and stay there... away from any future games. They are a one dimensional enemy that got stale after the very first Halo game.
  19. In order from favorite to most hated: 1: Halo CE (not the anniversary crap they put out but the real Halo CE) 2: Halo 3: ODST 3: Halo 4 4: Halo Reach 5: Halo 2 6: Halo 3 7: Halo Wars 8: Spartan Assault (never played it nor have any desire to) Come on and whine to me about having Halo 2 and 3 so far down on the list. I enjoy it when people cant stand it. Edit: forgot Halo Reach
  20. If I remember the rules correctly, even if people have codes for said items, code trading is strictly forbidden on this site. As in, no code trading allowed. Sorry dude but you're out of luck.
  21. I don't mind that idea Legend however I have three questions: 1: How is the game supposed to determine what is accidental damage and what is damage done on purpose? I see no real way to determine that. I mean if I am driving a Scorpion tank and shoot at the enemy and accidently blow up a friendly hog that flew off a jump in front of me and killed all 3 of them inside I am betting I would be punished. Yet it is punishment that I don't deserve. 2: What kind of damage threshold would there be to determine when punishment takes effect? How much damage is appropriate when taking into considerations the mix of vehicles and infantry fights we have? Does running people over with a Ghost cause the meter to rise faster then EMP'ing a Mantis over and over again? How is it going to be calculated? 3: Does the warning signs of impending punishment carry over to the following games? If they are a jerk up to nearly the point of punishment being implemented and then the game ends do they start fresh? Is only a portion of it carried with them?
  22. Once again I find a need to say this... Competitive is an over used and improperly used term when it comes to gaming. Every match you play is a competitive match as you are playing to win. What you choose to bring to that match determines how competitively you decide to play for that individual occurrence. Seriously people MLG is not the be-all-end-all of competitive gaming. Heck it is barely a fraction of it. The "pros" (I hate calling them that because I don't view gaming as a sport) did not make up the entirety of Halo. If that's how you view it then fine, but it is an extremely limited and very sad view point to be honest. Also don't claim to know how others felt about those so called "pros". I sure as heck didn't want to be like them and never will want to be like them. MLG can rot in the gutter for all I care. What you seem to desire is "fair competition" which has never existed in the first place. Sure everybody can start with the same weapons and stats but the playing field is never fair. Some people perform better on certain maps, some might be having a bad day. The game can not filter the human factor which is randomized second by second. Sorry but you will never have fair competition unless 343i completely removes the human element from the game. Then it is just hardware vs. hardware and if they are equal then it will be nothing but draws the entire time. That being said, if you wish to have a classic playlist I have no qualms about that. There is nothing wrong with playing the game with out any of its features (though I don't really see the point in it). You wish to limit yourself to 4 weapons and a specific play style, go for it. Keep away from the other playlists then and be stuck in the past while Halo moves forward. Next time you post I have a suggestion for you. Don't insult the people who make the Halo games. Be grateful they are making them and continuing to make them for your enjoyment. Also don't insult the people who enjoyed the game even in the slightest. Your definition of a Halo game is not the be-all-end-all definition for every player in the world. You don't have to like the game, nobody has to like it, but to say that it isn't Halo is absurdity in its highest form. Calling people who play it trash only speaks of arrogance on a massive scale. Honestly it makes any post you create less desirable to read, much less reply to in a reasonable manor. You treat people like crap, you get treated like crap in return. Oh and if you want 343i to read stuff like this (I doubt they will pay much attention to the ranting you do) then post it on waypoint.com as that is their official website.
  23. I don't see a point to any of this. The armor does nothing but look pretty. No stat boosts, no extra ammo.... so on and so on. If the armor actually did something of significance within the game then I would be all for it, otherwise to me it is just time and space wasted on worthless programing.
  24. I still play Halo CE for the PC, but not online. I gave up on the online stuff a long time ago.
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