Hey there community, since it has become much easier to make maps in Halo 4's forge, Ive decided its time to satisfy my creativity.
Ive made a mirrored map on Impact named Crossfire. (yes, I know, generic map name. There is a point to that though, so hold on) Its a medium-large indoors map, 2 levels, and 9 rooms connected by corridoors. 4 on top, 4 on the bottom, and one in the middle to fight over. From the oppening in the corridoors, you have several lines of fire coming from bottom, mid, and top. and since 8 corridoors lead into center, im hoping to make some wild fire fights ensue(thus the name crossfire). Top it all off with 4 cannon mans jumping you to the 2nd level, with intersecting flight paths providing the chance to smash into your opponents and score some crazy mid flight melees, and a gravity volume to help you jump accross the gap above mid. Not to mention a few ordnance drops to add to the fun.
My GT Is XBL Gamer Girl (Its only a joke, as you can see, I am male) Please send me a FR if you're interested.