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Nick Fuller

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Everything posted by Nick Fuller

  1. Nick Fuller


    Fail thread all you have to do is spam that weapon since it has the highest rate of fire for those rifles. Still only takes 1 shot to the head with it....smh
  2. of course without using melee.....never had a problem...if you don't know already you don't aim at the head with an auto, u aim at the body to kill faster fyi
  3. might have just been the connection (could not be yours but the hosts or something). I do know that 343 is going to have an update where: 1) BR will take 4 shots to kill instead of 5; the firing rate will be adjusted accordingly to meet the DMR kill time...I believe 2) Beam Rifle won't have the aim assist 3) The Light Rifle will get a buff, I think it includes faster firing rates 4) AR won't have as much bullet magnetism I've killed plenty of people within 1 clip LOL
  4. 1. Doubles 2. Dominion 3. Throwdown (I havnt played this one however since I get into teams full of idiots or no one communicating. I need to build up a stronger list of friends for Halo 4 before playing this one. Can't do it alone anymore haha
  5. I used to back out of games already in progress to avoid getting thrown into games that were almost over. But now I usually get thrown in at te very start or when the score is only 10-20 or something. So.....so far so good!
  6. What's all the fuss over people fussing about things they don't even care about to begin with?
  7. i guess so long as the battle rifle and DMR kill at the same time. or else we'll get posts of how the BR is OP and that the DMR needs a buff haha!! in terms of 4v4-2v2 sized maps, the BR actually performs better than the DMR (doesn't matter if the DMR has a faster kill time). I wont tell you why but once your CSR in doubles increase and you play with more experienced players, we opt for the BR for a reason which gives you an edge over someone without a BR. And no, it's not because of the size of the maps that make the difference (though it's obvious long range the dmr will pwn). But as Vet to Halo, glad to see the BR being 4-shot once again ^The thing with Halo 3...there weren't as many choices that changed the pace of the game as Halo 4 does. Last time I checked, there was no damage boost in halo 3 haha. So, by adding in a 4 shot BR to Halo 4, it only adds to the collection. It's not game breaking in my opinion however. And what do you mean "decreasing the fire rate [...] so it will take more skill to use?" That's like saying the Rocket Launcher's fire rate was decreased to make it more skilled. hahaha
  8. I find it easier to find talkative/competitive people now thanks to the CSR. Never made a "friend" online in halo 4 until just a few weeks ago when I started playing again. I usually play doubles to find some competitive and stay away from throwback just cuz I need new people to play with. My gamertag is: God of TryHards Hit me up.
  9. Fail thread is fail. SR is not competitive!!! A SR130 could lose to a SR32 and make perfect sense. Do some actual research on the CSR that was released. If you want competition, play the playlists that rank you based on wins/loses. Noobs these days...
  10. Lets get this straight, SR means jack ---- when it comes to skill. Lets be smart people Do research bro. The CSR is up and the competitive ones based on wins/loses are the playlists you want to play (doubles,Throwdown,dominion).
  11. Who knows they said it wouldn't be a problem when the game would release...
  12. Havnt been on in a month or 2. But isn't it in Throwdown and maybe doubles? I know it had its own playlist and maybe it got removed which is what you're probably talkin about. I wouldn't play it as its own playlist. It's fun in Throwdown that's for sure!
  13. I never go back to old halo titles. Halo 3 is meaningless to me now. I overkilled it for a straight 3 years. I got level locked at 47 ( I literally won 17 games straight, then lost 2 games and went down to a 46). So the replay value is gone. Best to just stick with the current titles since they get all of the support...feel me?
  14. Halo 2 had the best ranking system that actually worked! Period! You couldn't get level locked because you play too muh and you leveled up ONLY by wins. That in turn created a great social collaboration online and you never got the dead air that we hear on Halo 4 today. (I don't remember much on Social since I started Halo 2/Xbox live halfway through its life cycle.) I know this game made what what the social playlists are today because of the community (Zombies anyone?). Halo 3 (from my experience) offered a great competitive playlists and focused much less on the social playlists. I found the social playlists rather boring so I played them like 10% of the entire 3 yrs playing that game. Halo Reach focused much more on social playlists and completely scaled down the competitive playlists (Arena). So obviously I spent more time playing social playlists over the Arena. Too many things went wrong with Arena. It was a great idea on paper, bad when executed. I stopped playing entirely after only a year. Halo 4 focuses entirely on social playlists and none on competitive playlists (referring to ranking and not just playlists like Team Throwdown that have a competitive mindset). They did just release a CSR via waypoint, however I don't see how that's going to change anything (won't know till I try which wont be for a few days). Also, along with taking out a competitive in-game system, they also nullified some social aspects...such as cross team chatting. Like everyone else says, it's like playing with bots every game with no chance to socialize (whether it be good intentions or bad ones haha). To play this game competitively you have to force yourself into that mindset while others in the game won't think that way (could care-less about winning). If they put back a working rank system in game and allow us to actually talk to other players, the replay value of the game will go on till Halo 5 drops for me. But the way this game was made, the replay value is already gone before the 6 month mark... :'( Or maybe I'm just working too much so I think less about playin games LOOL.
  15. basing it off of streaks increases the need to camp and hide regardless if your team is losing or winning. so no. that's a fail...at least when it comes to Halo
  16. there is a bandaid fix u noe? only really helps if you search alone otherwise it's annoying when you have to party back up again.
  17. i have a pict and video of a headless spartan i ran into months ago. it's hacks. somehow bungie's ban-hacking system is better than 343 if people are easily able to get away with it. since u reported thats all you can do. i did the same. havnt seen one since.
  18. there is a "band aid" fix for avoiding the Join in progress, though it's only really efficient if you search alone: other than that, they need to keep to their word when they said there would be no Join in Progress for games after a certain point (to avoid joining games that are close to being finished). It's a new industry and so of course there would be problems with coding/glitches. Probably why Frank said Halo5 would be MUCH better. Team Throwback/Doubles/Sniper(i think) all have their Join in Progress disabled due to them being a part of the competitive playlists.
  19. I'm 130. I have like 96 or 94% completed. The only one I don't have is the close quarters. I need like 900 more beat downs hahaha that one will take some time for me.
  20. 90% of the time I search alone, and 90% of the time there is nobody talking or have a mic plugged in...smh at today's players. guess we'll wait until April when the ranking system is out....even if it's web based only...smh again -God of TryHards
  21. It's common sense with wheel man....y not be surprised? I can survive 2 dead on laser shots out my vehicle has 100% health. It's nothing new...
  22. I've seen legit hacks like headless people on swat and report them. Your case might be different. Kill cams always glitch. But when you see the kill cam, the game points you out so it can tell you where you are in respect to the enemy. The enemy doesn't see the waypoints, it's just in the kill cams only
  23. My loadout was similar to yours but I no longer use it since I mastered it haha. U also should know about the trick kills (gettin 4 shot kills) with it. I wouldn't use AA efficiency. Instead I used either explosives or the dual primary weapon ability.
  24. I feel as though I'm on a free dating service site hahahah. I have a select group of people I play with for specific maps (usinally my homie and bro for doubles) but 90% of the time I play alone. In previous Halo titles, it was simple for me to constantaly cycle through my friend's list and add people based on communication and teamwork. But I hardly find myself with people using mics and teamwork at all. So if you actually use a mic and understand (or would like to understand) call outs and do competitive playing (team throwdown,doubles,dominion for starters) then hit me up. So long as it's not Infection...because that has always bored me. It's funny, a lot of the times I have to keep myself entertained somehow so I just work on commendations (mastered loadouts for UNSC and Forreuner for example). SMH GT: God of TryHards Just add me via Xbox Live if your in the same position as I am haha. Havn't played in a week so I'll be rusty for sure
  25. Yeh I dont really have a team like i used to in previous Halo titles. I have only played the gametype when I was by myself. Friggin damn near hard when I had teammates not doing what I would have liked them to do. Score-wise everyone was around the 200-300 range. I was above 700 cuz I had to just do everything myself. Luckily some teammates on the other team rage quit so it was a 2-3 game at the end (yet my teammates would still get owned). Frustrating without a team, but that can be said with EVERY playlists (however it's frustrating when people have a team in Regicide haha). I cant rely on the same people to play with as times has changed, I need new online friends hahaha
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