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Nick Fuller

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Everything posted by Nick Fuller

  1. Hopefully well see an increase in seriousness when ranked levels come out January. This is the first online halo title without a competitive rank system.
  2. Well they arnt in slayer pro. Hence "pro"
  3. If they're going to give us maps, they ought to use em or else they're a waste of space and money
  4. Ehhhh it's really no different than halo3 and halo reach. Remember people betraying for weapons ALL the time? Hahaha oh boy
  5. UMM IT WAS A FANTASTIC ENDING. You hear the viewpoint of the (Forerunner?) at the end about how humanity has evolved and are now the threat (unlike how the Covenant was the threat prior to Halo 4). So that sets up for a Halo 5 right there. Yes you only get to se his eyes in Legendary, not much difference, but even with that half second clip, a lot of depth is added to his character. I could go on and on, but I'm not in the mood for an essay. Good day sir.
  6. It'll be the 30th. Im only 56 or something. If you max out your exp before the 30th, I can understand not wanting to waste time playing if your only concern is to level up. But for a competitive player like myself, even if I exp cap (happend only once after I got monthly challenge), then I'll go into Slayer Pro with my bro or my team and continue to improve our teamwork/gameplay. I aim to get better, not to have a high casual rank.
  7. I was playing swat this morning, I got into a few games where the lag was terrible....bunch of Gokus if you know what I mean. Its either 343i or hosts. In my cases in my experience, it's a bad host and the game doesn't switch hosts. It happens. But iono, happens rarely for me. No different from previous Halo titles haha
  8. Everybodies complaints have happened since halo 2. It's not 343i fault. It's the same as bungie...bungie jet disnt make a perfect booting system. I agree it needs fixing but that's Halo for you. Maybe 343i will be able to fix it one day but don't get your hopes high. Bungie had since Halo 2 to resolve and minimize these issues. Obviously it didn't turn out as expected. Oh well no complaints from me
  9. Short and simple: Hell to the YES! Blame the cheating community and illegal actions from these and other individuals for the road Halo was forced to take (as far as Competitive Ranking goes).
  10. I'd like to see comparisons of how Reach was a better game than halo 4. Please explain sir. Also, its 2012. Almost 2013. The games you used to play were the first of their kind and of course new to the world. Thus, it was innovative and amazing during its time. If things were reversed and halo 4 was released first and Halo 2 released last. People would still have the same general complaints. I'm saying, because people of continuously been fed these new Halo titles, of course its not going to feel as innovative and amazing as when you first held the early halo titles. Just saying people speak of how amazing Halo CE was, thing is that title has been topped over and over again. THe only reason people see it as one of the best is because of the nostolgic value it has. This is what I have seen...
  11. oops i for grenadier is just 1 extra grenade i think...ahaha **** that. I use explosions and resupply for trolling
  12. I LAWL once again. Did I say Halo 4 was the most competitive title out of all of the installments? NO. I said it was far more competitive than REACH. Tell me out reach was competitive? Arena? That failed for obvious reasons that I am not even going to get into. A noob can still pick up a controller and maybe get 1 kill a game or none at all (noob=unfamiliar or never played the game). So, if you are getting killed by noobs, then you sir are one of them. Halo 4 does need a competitve ranking system which is to deploy hopefully in January 2013. None of the Halo installments have had an accurate Skill Tracking system outside of a Ranking System. So what you say applied to all Halo titles. SMH think before you write. Dumbest Human being? Can you please show statistics for this please? LAWL. "you, my dear sir," hmmmm seems like you're taking one of my quotes that I usually say in this post and using it for yourself. If you are going to use "the dumbest Human's" phases just to get back at me, then you are no better. Have some originality sir. Also, thank you, I will enjoy this title that has been bestowed upon me. Thank you sir. I can see that people butt-hurt about the game they can't keep up in are getting butt-hurt that I enjoy the changes and look forward to MLG. Halo Reach MLG got trashed and even while watching them compete, I did not feel impressed in the slightest compared to MLG with Halo 3.
  13. I agree with you here. Bungie said Halo Reach was exactly what the series needed....uh NO!! If bungie kept going, the game would have dug its own grave and I would be on my way to becoming a COD MLG player....like hell if that ever happens! Halo 4 and THE best storyline to date. If you say Halo1, yes it was great, but what made it great was that it was the first game of it kind...But the story has evolved and is fantastic. Halo 2 story was crap because bungie never wanted to make a 3rd halo, but found they didnt have enough time/data to fit into the game so it was extended into Halo 3...which meant the story was chopped and crap. At least they pulled it together in Halo 3. Halo 4 is fantastic because they plan to make a new triliogy and already have the story mapped in the direction they want it to go. So props to 343i. The matchmaking is totally different from previous titles, as you find typical with every successor to the last Halo. With Halo 4, yes it does seem more chaotic due to the improvements and uprades with spartan abilities and weapon drops. But I only find this chaotic in Infinity Slayer. Other game modes seem just fine to me (including BTB Slayer; though vehicles are spammed but easily taken care of). Slayer pro suits me perfect because I'm a competitive player and that's what I've been waiting for; competition!! Looking forward to the Ranking System in January And I'm already registered for some local tournaments in my area. For those of you complaining about population compared to previous titles. Remember, Halo 2 was the first competitive game of its kind to be released. Something nobody has had much experience with since the dawn of online play from xbox/ps2. So of course Halo 2 was huge because of its innovation!! As years go by, inovation has decreased while hardware/software are just being built more durable/stronger (sorrry for grammar im tired LAWL). And as years go by, more AAA games are released and so of course the total population are busy playing several other games and not just stick to ONLY 1 GAME 24/7 (like myself haha). So stop complaining about population because there are numberous variables to take into account other than whether the game sucks or not to determine its population....
  14. my girlfriend is better then halo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EliteSniper


      Unacceptable! Absolutely Unacceptable!

    3. Smokin Shadowz

      Smokin Shadowz

      I think your girlfriend hacked your account...

    4. Quantum
  15. I use it for a trolling class haha. But really though, I used to use automatic weapons for secondary, but stopped. i mean the pistol does great. The DMR with its rapid fire is good enough since all you need is 3 shots and a melee for the kill. It really depends on the play style. At least grenades arn'nt an ass like in Reach where grenade whores were everywhere....that's ridiculous. So yes keep it.
  16. I LAWL at you sir. i can see you raging all over your post just to try and insult me to prove a point. The only insult I gave you was that I could care-less about your maps. Butt-hurt already? LAWL once again. As for the weapon choices, I stated that you were complaining about your custom game griefs were laughable. So yes sir, I did understand where you were coming from... If you really think jetpack isn't to YOUR standards, then don't use it. Let someone like myself use it since I understand how to use it successfully without having to fly "out of the map" to try to kill someone. Its meant to get you to a destination quicker instead of walking around for example. Another example is to use it for counter-fire or get a suprise jump on your opponent. In none of these examples are you required to fly straight up into "the atmosphere" and land a kill. Besides, the noobs who did that (or still do) in Halo Reach were easily killed off once detected (it was like a good game of ducking/bird hunting season LAWL). So sorry that this game is a genious compared to Reach. They re-made the competitive edge that Reach lacked and for that you cry. C'mon kid keep crying for me, your tears are tasty. Want FFA? You got Regicide. Want more? Too bad gotta wait for those weekly playlist updates that care coming around. You don't see me on here crying because Double Team isn't out yet right?
  17. None of these are "problems." The fact that the game is not what you thought it would be is the problem here. These are ALL empty-minded complaints... Jetpack: Jetpack is perfect in Halo 4. Reach was over powered...meaning you could abuse the jetpack to ridiculous heights! I am a huge fan of jetpack since I love the extra mobility around maps...so dont get me wrong. At least in Halo 4, you're not constantly having to look up into the skys for a-holes abusing a jet pack form lame kills. The Halo 4 jetpack allows air mobility while still being tactically "stuck" to the map if you understand. War Games Maps: I could go on forever but straight to the point: 1. The maps ARE NOT ALL HUGE. I suppose if u forget u have the sprint ability it could seem like a walk... 2. I agree the larger maps do seem cluster-f*cked with items and vehicles all over the map, but at least it plays well for its intended purpose. Dont like the large vehicle maps? Then Infinity Slayer and Slayer Pro are for you. 3. Custom made maps are more of an eye soar when it comes to matchmaking. If you say you can make better maps in forge. Okay it's your opinion. But I will say this, I'll take an original map over a brilliant custom made map anyday for obvious reasons for competitive people like myself. 4. Still complaining about maps? Well at least more are on their way next month Weapons Sounds: They all are find to me. The only sound I dislike is the BR, but only beginners or BR finatics would use it over a DMR so I could care-less. (Oh yeh BR IS ACTUALLY A GOOD WEAPON IN SWAT ) Weapons Choices: I dont understand. ARE YOU COMPLAINING ABOUT A CUSTOM GAME?????? LAWL!!!!! Weapons Dual Wielding: Stupid statement. Halo Reach and Halo 4 do not have dual wielding because of limited commands on the controller. This was stated by bungie prior to the Halo Reach release. In Halo 3, dual wielding was possible. But do to weapon/map upgrades and other improvements, the dual wielding function was neglectable. I never once had to use it. There were other obvious choices and combinations that were far superior. Scoring: I havnt noticed much from the scoring so im unsure. From what I have seen, a kill gives you points still. So no difference there. Infinity Slayer I heard they add in something else (not sure what) but again I feel its neglectable as it never seemed like a game changer to me. Otherwise you're just complaing about nothing once again....I see nothing here to do with COD or even remotely feeling like COD. And I am an avid Halo player... Team Playing: AHAHAHAHAHA OMFG!!!!!! HALO HAS ALWAYS BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE ABOUT TEAMS!!!!! Dont like it? GO PLAY COD and be a lone wolf. Others grow a ***** and learn how to play halo with friends/clans/teams/randoms. However, I do hate how Halo is a voice communicating/team oriented game and plenty of people don't use their mic....It comes free with the xbox for god's sake!!!! AND FOR A REASON AT THAT! ALSO: screw your Reach maps ahaha Halo Reach was awful. GOOD DAY TO YOU SIR
  18. Because the few who do not understand the concept of playing Halo 4 and are not successful at a 2 week old game yet are raging here. I LAWL at all of your complaints!!! Also COD FAN? Fail troll is fail
  19. dont mind it, it makes it less stressful in a legit game where you are down a man, knowing a new man will be coming along anyways. HOWEVER, 343i specifically said that they had measures in place to make sure players who drop in will not do so towards the end of the game (not sure where that checkpoint is as they never specified.) And sure enough, I have found myself dropping into games at the very last minute, getting spawn killed a few times, and losing before I can understand what is even going on LAWL. SMH wtf happend??????? if they fix this, it will be perfect in my opinion....
  20. thats why they invented Slayer Pro/MLG. Infinity Slayer is ment to be a mosh pit of players on an uneven playing field with their modifications. Id say its just for fun and to mess around and spam OP weapons. I find I dont do as well in this, so i prefer going into Slayer Pro and doing actual work. Its more of a "HALO feeling."
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