So I think this is the place where I have to report this? If It's not I apologize!
Anyway I was playing Infinity Slayer on the Map Complex and it was 3v3.
My 2 friends and I were playing together and these 3 guys kill us 3 times and then they mysteriously disappear? So we're running all over the map and we can't find them? So my brother uses his promethian vision and see's these guys are inside the wall! So we're throwing grenades and everything at it and nothing and when we got close to the wall they could kill us! So I have 12 minutes of the guys doing this and if you've ever used file share well you can press the D-pad and see the players actually jump glitching into the walls. So I'm not entire sure as to where or how I can show this and get this video fixed?
The gamertag is AE7600 and it's on his fileshare and the tags for it are Cheaters , Exploiters.