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Everything posted by DethNade

  1. You got that right. I agree with you. I stop buying after Cod 2 but i play a little black ops. It's fun playing with your friends but then it get boring after a while, that's y i love battlefield 3. You can play a lot of thing's in the game and drive tanks or choppers if you like. It seems every gaming company is copying each others type a game style. I remember back in the old days they did not keep records or how many kills you get, you go into a game and play for fun. Now it's has K/D and shows how many deaths/kills you have and if your stats sucks your more likely not having any people play with you at all.
  2. nice video dude. If you go to setting/ preferences/ Notifications unchecked show Notifications so you will not see any one log in and out of the videos you do.
  3. i love cheese, just that i eat to much this week and you don't want to no what happen lol
  4. I thought some one was moding the first time i seen it. I was yelling at the other players who was doing it LOL at it.
  5. like what he said i agree, that's y it's a power weapon. You have to be like 10 feet to use this gun. It's a close range weapon.
  6. i was pist so i started to do this :wallbash: and i little of this then :crazy: lol when she copy and splitting her self in each of the forerunners computer it my help her. My be the forerunners teck can save her. They can play it ether way. Lets see how 343ind play it out. If Cortana really died then its going to suck with out her with master chief on his side. My be the Greater would make another Cortana IA. You never no
  7. I like the Halo 4's campaign. wish you can place more then 4 player co-op. 10 man co-op would be cool as hell to see, can get all your buddy's in and really give the forerunners to run about lol. The story i like but the ending to me kinda thinks that Cortana is still out there. Remember she copy he self at the end. She was geting over whelm by the data she was collecting over the years. when she copy and splitting her self in each of the forerunners computer it my help her. My be the forerunners teck can save her. They can play it ether way. Lets see how 343ind play it out. If Cortana really died then its going to suck with out her with master chief on his side. My be the Greater would make another Cortana IA. You never no
  8. Take care dude, hope you return again.Let the Force be with you.
  9. with everything. I been geting lag in War Games and on Spartan Ops. All the people signing on to the game and there server's are over flowing with people i think. On the next Xbox they should make dedicated servers for the Xbox like they do on the PC. Make every one happy and they will make money off on it. Every time it lags bad i just leave the game, some one lag switching or the server taking a dump.
  10. I like spartan Ops till the 3rd week when i keep on seeing the same maps with a different Mission on it. Wish they great more map or add more to it. To me that's lazy when they have a program to great maps lol
  11. Shootout in Valhalla, and the first EP: & mission is the best. You want a map that's fast and easy. All was try to do the challenges for spartan ops. DewXP is the best way to go. I only use the DewXP only in spartan Ops because I get around 10k to 11k a game and if you play war-games you only get about 3k 5k, how many kills or points you get. I max out my SR so aim at SR130 all ready. I have 40 games left so if any one want's some DewXP send me a msg on here and give me your Facebook & i can send it as a gift on there.
  12. Thank's guy's. It's really hard to stay alive in that map in that tank. I stay back by the gate when you get into the tank turn right at the bridge then stay by the gate so they cant spawn by the Gauss Warthog, then just move left and right side of the map but watch out for the banshee, I'll get ya lol
  13. MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU FILTHY ANIMAL... Hahaha have a great holiday dude lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z0GMZNAH5Y
  14. This is great. I just only play the game but i wanted to no alot more to be a true halo fan. This is awesome story line that you put together. Great job Guitarowna.
  15. Cortana & the rest of the AI's that they great don't last longer then 5 to 7 years of the AI's brain gets overwhelmed from the data they get so the AI gos crazy and shuts down. I think when she uploaded her self into the forerunners system's at the end by splitting them apart it my save her by taking all the data divided it to the forerunners system's by saving her to not shut down and go crazy or she just use a back up floppy disk when she split her self and it's floating in space to this day. If 343inds takes my idea iam looking for a job, i have great ides for story's, thanks lol
  16. Playing halo 4 on the day it came out and got a perfect game. Tell me what you think on my new YouTube channel. Don't forget to subscribe and leave comments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aju0Vu401tg
  17. ya, i hope they keep doing this, really funny to see and keep the game gong. Wish they make the grunts super fat lol now that would be funny.
  18. We will keep the account on for the new xbox. would be stupid if not. Be a lot of pist off people out there lol. we will no on 2013 E3 on what the new xbox going to be and whats in it.
  19. sounds nice but cost a lot of money and copy rights to do that.
  20. This happen 2 times on another map in spartan Ops: Galileo on EP:3 CH:2 but i did not have the HD recorder then, i wish i had. I did like 30 times because there was about 30 of them running around. I have Available 2XP Matches: 42 games of DewXP left & i don't need any more so if you Subscribe and post some comments ill give you 3 games of XP for helping me out. Just need your Facebook E-mail that's link to the DewXP.com/Facebook on DewXP.com & the user name you use to Subscribe
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