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Saint 7o

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Everything posted by Saint 7o

  1. All halo 5 needs is competitive ranking. The drive of competition is what allows games to go the distance. It is so simple. The number of players on halo 3, years after release, were outstanding. Compare that to the populations of Halo Reach and Halo 4 just a few short weeks in and it will disgust you. The halo 3 ranking system is the closests to perfect you will ever achive. There was ranked playlist for the competitive player and social playlist for the casual player. Custom games were at large on halo 3 as well. As for these two **** piles that came after, they speak for themselves. I can't stand going constantly into games that are always blow outs. Wether I am losing or winning its always by a huge margin because your matchmaking system is so broken. You cater to these casual gamers for upfront sales but they are not there for the long run. We, your hardcore gamers, the ones who want the ranking systems are the ones who will buy every DLC and play the game until you come out with the next. I cant help but feel that you lose so many players who go to play their first halo game and get slaughtered because matchmaking is a variable free for all in skill levels. 343 you have one more chance, one more chance to revitalize an incredible FPS that will bring people back to this title by the thousands. All you need to do is mirror the halo 3 matchmaking system. I will wait to purchase the game to find out if there will be or not, but it will be the last time i even show interest finding out if you screw up again. BRING BACK COMPETITVE GAMING
  2. I remember when it took skill to rank up, not time on your hands. I also remember when matchmaking meant you would be paired with people your skill, not any random scrub or pro. When i go into a match why is it always so one sided? Either my team gets destroyed because ive got 2 or 9 level people, or my team obliterates ands its too easy. There arent any of those intense games with people your skill level. All matchmaking is essentially social now, not competitive. This is why, like Reach, H4 will fail and H3 will forever be the greatest. Without the competition, the game becomes dull quickly. Bring back competitive gaming 343, thats the secret, not weapons, armor, or graphics just competition.
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