I have an idea that I would like to share with the community regarding assassinations and how they can be expanded. There is a summary at the bottom if you hate reading.
I. Countering
1. The air-assassination neck snap: when someone performs an air-assassination neck snap on you, you will have the ability for a split second to press a button (maybe X or and stick their arm with a plasma grenade if you have one, they will snap your neck but when they kill you, they will also have been killed.
2. The tackle assassination: when someone tackles you you have the ability for a split second to press a button and counter it (which would be you punching them in the face, maybe with Y), starting a tussle. You would have to press X, B, X, B (X being left hand, B being right hand, and the animations would correspond with how fast you press the buttons) alternating in that fashion until one person is faster than the other for one whole second. That would determine the winner of the fight. As for the animations, the winner will roll over so that they are on top of the other. If the other starts getting faster, then the same thing will occur. When the one second is over, and the winner has been declared then the winner will stab the other player, ending the tussle.
3. The flag-sassination: When someone is about to stab you with the end of the flag, you could, for a split second, press a button and grab hold of the flag pole with both hands (as they are about to stab you) and shove it back at them. This would cause the flag-holder to drop the flag and start a tussle (as shown before)
II. Points
1. When you win a tussle, you get more points than assassinating. When you are about to get assassinated then start and win a tussle, you get a little extra points. This would be called the "Tussle" badge.
2. When you stick someone in the arm during a neck-snap animation, you will, of course, get a kill from the grave, as well as a "Timing" badge. It probably wouldn't have many points to it but every bit counts.
III. Summary
1. Countering; in some assassinations you have the ability for a short amount of time to counter, and in some cases start a tussle in which you have to tap buttons quickly to win.
2. Points; If you win a tussle, you get a "Tussle" badge that is worth more than an assassination.
if you stick someone in the arm as a counter, you get a "Timing" badge.