My PC sucks so it turned it self off while I was writing my new topic, so I did not mind making it again.
But what I meant was that you could have a ranking system that ranked you one rank UP/DOWN depending on you K/D and WIN/LOSS(in objective games kills did not count so you could not farm kills in team objective) count at the end of every week.
Over 2.0-ranked up
over 1.0- nothing
under 1.0- ranked down
So if you for example got 8 head-shots during one match three times you would get sniper pieces, and the players seeing you would know that you where a good sniper. In that way armor actually meant something.
But you could only wear the armor if you where over a certain rank, that would mean that you actually had to be a skilled player to where bad ass armor. Not like me, which has awesome armor and have a negative K/D.
You would not know how the armor looks neither that it was in the game, until you had seen another player with it or equipped it by your self. You neither knew how to get it so you did just have to guess, there would be campaign unlock-able armor also.
What do you think?