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Infinite LuLz

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Everything posted by Infinite LuLz

  1. I made two similar game types where you played with the traits of a marine or a freelancer. But I do not know how to increase the awareness of the enemy and such.
  2. I approve for no human weapon pick up for the elites, but they get to dual wield.
  3. Yes I want it back.
  4. I want an human melee sword or something, but all melee weapons should be block-able. It ads a new type of skill to the game.
  5. Add all species in the halo universe that is equal to a spartan in multiplayer.
  6. Agree, Elites instead. Add them in some way, or use forerunners or something completely new.
  7. If you care for your K/D there is nothing you can do, but if not you could change controller until you got a kill on the guests account, then you could change and play together.
  8. I think they should change the health bar back the way it was in halo 3, they should not have tree types of damage levels. Only one. If I fight my enemy one to one with an assault rifle and he kills me after I have damaged his health bar drastically. I can re-spawn and kill him much easier, If he dont find an health package. He should be able to keep owning me without have to camp around a health package re-spawn. The grenades is also way to over powered, they could have made them like in halo 3 but its easier to just make the jump height 125% and the speed 110%. Also remove "you know what".
  9. Zombies is fun and I want it in Halo, but the COD fanboys would laugh at us even though they stole the Cinema. But we can not do it anyway because "try-hard" have taken patent on the concept.
  10. So long as they stop with the inclement weather and flaming stuff I am fine, 343 employes should have flames but no special effects to the normal guys. Reach gained a little to much humor and such, and your AE did not prove anything, everyone could easily get it.
  11. Kind of agree, but I want to know if we are fighting more than sentinels and flood because that would be really boring.
  12. Longer sword lunge and keep blocking, it makes the game more balanced. More jump height. Grenades gets less radius but deals dramatically more damage. Rocket explosions gets dramatically less radius, but the explosions get higher power to kick things away like vehicles. Remove fall damage. Remove AL. Make the needler do more damage to compensate with the new jump heigh. Make the snipers reticule go upwards when you shoot like in Halo 3. Wraiths and scorpion shells and explosions should not have so high radius. Make the banshee bombs explosion radius less. Make the time between banshee rolls longer. Make head-shots take more damage even when shields are up. Make elites playable in every playlist. Make us aim down sights(lol just kidding).
  13. Cloaking, there is no point of it! Its meaningless! Shields, there is no point of it! Its meaningsless! Bloom, there is no point of it! Its meaningless! Gaming, there is no point of it! Its meaningless! "SARCASM (for the idiots)"
  14. I would like the game with and without jet-packs so I dont care. As long as we get bunny jumping, no bleed out and at least some of the classic weapons I am fine.
  15. Agree, always campaign first. It gives you feelings for each weapon since you use them throughout different scenarios. This doesn't count for black ops though, it is so easy to not se a new weapon and miss it and then find a new one in multiplayer. Also the weapons in halo works different on different enemies, so the best thing is to get experience them on AIs first.
  16. I dont know, it would give the nerdies even more ways to tease the casuals and bad with **** like: OMG your not even good if you are not in the gold layer!
  17. My PC sucks so it turned it self off while I was writing my new topic, so I did not mind making it again. But what I meant was that you could have a ranking system that ranked you one rank UP/DOWN depending on you K/D and WIN/LOSS(in objective games kills did not count so you could not farm kills in team objective) count at the end of every week. Over 2.0-ranked up over 1.0- nothing under 1.0- ranked down So if you for example got 8 head-shots during one match three times you would get sniper pieces, and the players seeing you would know that you where a good sniper. In that way armor actually meant something. But you could only wear the armor if you where over a certain rank, that would mean that you actually had to be a skilled player to where bad ass armor. Not like me, which has awesome armor and have a negative K/D. You would not know how the armor looks neither that it was in the game, until you had seen another player with it or equipped it by your self. You neither knew how to get it so you did just have to guess, there would be campaign unlock-able armor also. What do you think?
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