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Infinite LuLz

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Everything posted by Infinite LuLz

  1. Watch what other wants before you post or your post will be meaningless and flamed with haters.
  2. Not spartan helmets, but marine bones and armor parts. We must not make them look to bad-ass because the look has to fit the player style. Imagine that elite running towards you in the battlefield and all suddenly you hear the 9 year old British kid in the microphone screaming at you. I would be like: Y-u no have armor that fits you. And I would also like a ranking system that gives you different armor depending on how you play. I will tell you what I mean in a new topic I will post soon.
  3. I like skirmishers because they look cool and jump like predator.
  4. Plays big team battle on hermorage- Other team takes all useful vehicles and spawn kills me the entire match, not able to get anything good in the beginning because of network issues. Therefore most of my team quit. Doesn't get one kill the entire match and get reset for AFKing. LOL Nah, that didn't happen. But it would be pretty fun if it did right
  5. Stop this heresy! Why do you teach them how to play when you could just enjoy their lack of DMR skill over a good slayer match?
  6. I am pretty sure me and my jet-pack met you yesterday or something (U-mad bro?)
  7. They said it was fake.
  8. I do not understand why you are telling them how to counter it when you could own them in DMRs slayer instead?
  9. Damn! I just learned how to use the bloom against other players, how it actually makes the gun better than in the other halos. And know they are removing it, just as I started to become the solider they needed me to be.
  10. I want to place out gutas so they can o around in my map and kill my friends that are playing with me.
  11. I want to be a skirmisher.
  12. I agree with some of your sayings, but seriously! We get it! AAs is bad battle rifle is good bloom is bad, (but it only makes the gun more precise from the beginning, and people are to dumb to understand that it makes the gun more skillful) But you really doesn't have to make that many topics about it.
  13. I do not want everybody to have them, in that way it would not be special to have it.
  14. Yes you should check out my firefight suggestion, its a little bit like what you are talking about here.
  15. So is hit-scan or real world the best? So only some of the weapons in reach is hit-scan?, because it is possible to dodge plasma shots and scorpion shells.
  16. So the real problem is the reticule of the DRM. If bloom is to be removed, the reticule would have to be expanded, but not so much as it becomes when bloom exists.
  17. What is hit-scan, I cant see the difference between halo reach and halo 3s bullet physics?
  18. I do not know, maybe we could just try to do some adjustments to the game to get more people to play it.
  19. This would be more than an add on, and it would cost much more. But I would still by it.
  20. We need to be able to place it in forge, and the stuff you put into it must move when the vehicle does.
  21. It was not in the original Halo, the weapons you should really care about is the originals like AR, the pistol, the rocket launcher and the shotgun.
  22. They can give me armor abilities, bloom even third person and I would stay, but if they removes the jump height and makes it normal I will not by the game. They can do whatever they will, so long as they keep shielding and bunny jumping.
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