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Jackal (2/19)
Your right, I can't accept Halo 4 as a new game so long as it has HALO in the damn title. I'm sure I would have been much happier playing as a tree-man trying to stop a bunch of loggers, but the fact that it's called Halo should mean that it remains as HALO! YOU DON'T F*** WITH CHESS! I love the Halo universe, but I dislike Halo 4 because it doesn't do it justice, that's why I came to a fan site to bash it otherwise I may as well just run down a street yelling "Halo 4 sucks," it would have very little to no effect on anyone because who in real life gives a f*** about a video game. Here people actually know what I'm talking about, thus, my bashing has slightly more meaning than none. More so, this is just to display how aggravated I am with the game or I would have chalked it up to a simple "meh" and moved on with my life. I beat the campaign solo legendary within probably 6 to 7 hours, but I can recall ridiculously stupid choke points where I died beyond multiple times, only to run into another stupid choke point the whole game through. The difficulty curve is almost non-existent. The halo campaigns were never very long, to imply it's easy just because you beat it in a couple hours is like saying a 150 meter dash is easy just because it's over within a minute, and as if looking for terminals makes it any harder, I mean you don't look at Easter that way do you? Visuals and sound don't make a game, guy, they make a movie. "I actually giggled when Doctor Halsey was shown in a scene, because that is awesome." YOU sound like you'd prefer it to be a T.V. series of some sort where as I want what games should have, GOOD GAMEPLAY! You've worded that last part wrong, I don't want negative attention, I want what I see as negative to be brought to attention, I could care less if my name is posted at the top of it or not. Also, I feel the need to address that you've only brought one point against me fanboy.
Why don't you simply adjust your sensitivities, my friend plays on 10 and he turns around instantly.
Mad started following What does everyone think of the new Forge map sizes? , Attacking someone behind you , I kinda felt let down. (Sorta) and 3 others
I think I may be the only one who admits to not liking the story. I mean all that really happened was some guy came out of planet and now he's on another path to destroy everything. It seemed to me like they just threw on a bunch of other stuff cause the main story didn't have enough substance. I also didn't notice the multiplayer be any more paced than it usually is, I suppose spawning weapons on yourself makes it slightly faster, if not cheap. In trying to make the maps less one sided, they have made the players more so. Now someone who is already good will be able to spawn power weapons on themselves faster as a result of being good, then the power weapon allows them to refill their ordinance faster etc. etc. You can't say that isn't one sided without raising your eyebrow a little.
Before I start, I'd first like to announce full awareness that my thoughts are most likely going to be disregarded and/or ridiculed. I'm aware of this because I'm aware that most of the halo fan base consists of obsessive pixel junkies that would indulge in any piece of garbage with a Halo logo on it, then proceed to defend it and call it "god's gift to man." With that being said, I can now continue and finish without being tempted to deck my screen every time someone throws a slop of bad grammar and inane insults my way. Let's talk about the campaign. I beat it on legendary out of a nostalgic lust to see where our rather indifferent war hero was going to end up. Turns out it's mostly just him finding a bunch of dust under the rug and having it blow up in his face.*Spoiler* So here's the whole story in a nutshell, because it does literally fit in one. Chief awakes, drifting in space, only to be plunged on some planet. As Chief is going through his old routine, suddenly the covenant attack. Even Chief is confused so you know it was a horrible plot element. Anyway, he gets to the middle of everything and finds some unknown guy, I'm assuming he's a forerunner but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense cause this whole time I thought forerunners were ancient humans. Chief goes on an "epic" mission to stop this guy from destroying something (probably the world), and that's it. Oh ya, there's this whole thing with Cortana going through some kind of psychotic menopause. There is quite a bit of other mundane stuff going on but it's just that, mundane. Looking at the story in full, they might as well have just given Chief a super technological robotic attachment for a broom and have him sweep up the rest of the dust that someone blatantly tried to hide. Gameplay-wise, it was almost a constant sense of irritation, one that you would probably have were you a fly running into a window. I'll come out and say it was hard, yes, but not the satisfying type of hard, like being 5 feet tall and able to slam dunk a basketball. No, this was stupid hard, like trying to catch that ball in your mouth while it's being propelled from a tennis ball launcher every second. The mobs do a ridiculous amount of damage and take about just as much, never mind them rolling in packs of 5 with two extra guys reviving them, yes REVIVING them! So after you've taken out all the main enemies, one little mosquito thing can fly around recompiling them, and he might just recompile a f*** you turret laser just to make your day that much worse. This happens ALL the time considering that the whole game is just a string of choke points, the lazy man's gameplay. The mobs are not smart at all, if anything, I'd call them borderline retarded with the strength to compensate. There wasn't one moment that I thought, "oh that guy did something really clever, I suppose that's why I'm now a body." It was just alot of "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SO STRONG?! AND WHY CAN YOU TELEPORT?! AS IF YOU NEEDED ANYTHING ELSE!" Multiplayer, the only reason most would buy a Halo game nowadays, including myself. The mulitplayer, in short, is the deformed baby that an actual Halo game would have were she to be railed by Call of Duty. That's right, I said SHE. Too many comparisons can be made from this game to any COD game. I'm not even going to bother going into great detail as I'm sure you could find someone who already has. Loadouts, ordinance, HUD, controls, 'nuf said. However, I'm going to stress the controls cause they bother me, despite now being used to them. They ruined crouch jump, ruined it. I no longer have the precision I need when attempting make some of the larger gaps as now you won't be able to control where your looking by reaching for that B button. Even more bothersome is the fact that you can't change the controls, sure you can switch the setup and sacrifice another button for another problem, but you can't make a custom setup. What the hell is up with that? How was that a good idea? I really only have but two problems with Spartan Ops, the lag and the spawns. Everyone should know about the lag, the spawns may be something only I noticed. It seems like every time I die for the first time, it spawns me right in the middle of the guys that killed me and continues to do so until I clear it out. I don't understand how it works. Ill be doing fine up to the point of first death, then it seems like it's just punishing me for being killed by having me be killed a bunch more times. I've quit game because of this. It's actually gotten to the point where I'll sit at the very back in an attempt to have them come to me, or, I'll sit on the sidelines killing everyone from 50 yards away until a group inevitable spawns right behind me. Forge, it probably has the most problems of all. I only have an angry rage towards it because of the numerous claims of it being "better". Instead of listing all the faults right away, I'm going to paint a scenario that ACTUALLY happened to me. So I jumped into a map with my imagination buzzing away. "Oh," I say, "I know what I'll do, I'll make a sweet predator map!" (In which, one guy is invisible and must hunt the others without being killed.) So I started, all is well, I noticed "ooo, I can duplicate items, that should be helpful!" "Oh I thought it would be in the same spot, not 3 feet above and to the left, no matter, at least I don't have to spawn one in and adjust it." That was about the peak of my amusement. I'm working on the map and noticed some high up cliffs that I wanted to do something with. All the sudden "What the hell?! Why is there a kill-barrier up here?! Had I wanted one there, I would have made it myself!" I noticed some other cliffs and tried to go to them, I was stopped just before them by a wall. "What a damn tease!" So I finish the map despite this and am well happy with myself, two of my friends then wanted to play it so I started making a gametype. Right away I noticed some things were missing, "restrictions?!", I thought. "So you can't give flood weapons?" " So you can't take off that green mist on them?" "You can't let them run?" "You can't change their loadouts?" Just a long list of can'ts. I tried to work my way around this and came up with a fairly usable gametype, I thought. Then we got into the game and again, I noticed something was off, the buildings in particular. I had used the coordinates system to align all my buildings perfectly, but it looked like someone did it by hand. I went into forge and checked it, EVERY SINGLE PIECE of anything was twisted by 1 to 2 degrees. My friend suggested that I use magnets to fix it. I turned them on and grabbed a piece only to have it flip twice and attach itself to something I didn't want it to, without me doing anything. After an hour of fixing things with magnets OFF, the map was back to how I had originally made it, then I spent a bunch of time locking all the pieces into place hoping that would be a fix. "Pff magnets are for people with no patience, in which case, why are you making a forge map anyway?" So we attempt to play the game a second time, but there are no weapons on the map. Looked through the game options, nothing concerning weapons on the map. Back to forge, checked all the weapons, changed their settings to "Game specific : True" "Game label : Flood" "Game label : Floo_Spwn" and thought that would be the end of it. Still no weapons, turns out you can't spawn them in. "What the hell is up with that? How was that a good idea?" Eventually I gave up on the whole Forge. All in all, this game has much more nostalgic value than it does actual value. I wouldn't be surprised if 343 laughed at you from their leather chairs made of your dollar bills as they threw down this nicely wrapped piece of trash, but I'm still going to play it.
Server issues, Bugs, Errors, Post them here - Community info Topic
Mad replied to Community Info's topic in Halo 4
There has been ridiculous lag the past 3 or 4 days, mainly in the BTB playlist I've noticed. -
I also support this with intense aggravated fury. Multiple times have I made a map only to find out that it's essentially useless because I can't set the game options the way I need too. So very limiting. And they have the nerve to say that forge has been "vastly improved," sure...
What does everyone think of the new Forge map sizes?
Mad replied to Archangel Tyrael's topic in Forge Discussion
The map sizes are fine, what's wrong with them are the restrictions. Kill-barriers you can't remove and invisible walls that taunt you. I can literally recall instances where I tried to jump on a ledge 4 feet away only to smack into a stupid invisible wall and fall to my death. Very poor level design in that way. -
Straight up.